Is there a way to reduce body fat Percentage on a hCLF Vegan diet ?


New member
Ever since I became a vegan I was eating a HCLF diet , and I feel okay on it , but I seem to have gained a few pounds.I mainly eat an anti inflamatory diet with foods rich in fiber such as fruit.I avoid processed food and cook at home.I do eat a lot of whole wheat bread and sometimes oils tho.I try to reduce my body fat percentage , but doesn't work for me.I eat around 1800 calories per day.I am 17 y/o 180 cm tall , 60 kg body weigh.(Don't advice me to go on a bulk , or to put on a few pounds, I simply don't want to.)Is it impossible to reduce your body fat percantage on a HCLF diet ? I thought eating fruit is fine , because of the fiber in it , but maybe not.What do you guys think ??
@joelightening Keep in mind oil is the most calorically dense food. One tablespoon = 120 calories! Ouch! Nutritionally they are very weak. There doesn't seem to be any need for them. AND there are a number of whole food doctors showing research that they cause harm. See nutrition (Dr. Greger)
@joelightening If you aren't exercising or active, 1800 kcal is right around your maintenance calories. If you want to drop fat, you need to be in a caloric deficit, and you can do that by lowering your calories or exercising or being more active while keeping your calories the same.
@joelightening HCLF is absolutely fine and can lose body fat! But you'll need to eat less calories, and also cut out the oils. Get your fat from whole food sources like avocados, nuts, etc. Also consider intermittent fasting, such as 16 hour sleep between dinner and breakfast or fasting for 24-36 hours once a week both of which can be great for kicking up fat loss.
@maniel I don't think fasting is a good idea for fat loss. It messes up your metabolism and you start retaining more fat and carbs than you usually would.
@joelightening If you want to lose fat while maintaining a healthy body weight you're going to need to add some muscle. I'm 5'4" and about 118 pounds right now and my body fat percentage is around 24%. I lift 5 days a week and eat a pretty high carb diet.
@joelightening you need to workout to lose fat. Whole food, non processed = great. Limit the oils and nuts to little next to none - those are the most calorie dense foods.

If you get on a moderate regular cardio and resistance program and eat clean - you'll drop BF pretty 'easily' depending upon your fortitude to workout often.

Source: I'm