Is there anything I should be adding to my fitness routine/ nutrition? Any and all recommendations/opinions/tips pls!!


New member
F 21/ 5’4/ SW: 128 lbs CW: between 127 and 126 lbs GW: between 117 and 120 lbs

Hi there! I started my (sustainable) fitness and nutrition journey almost two months ago (details are below). Gained like 10 pounds over the winter/ holidays and I want to tone up my arms and have abs again. My butt and hips are pretty big anyway so I’m not worried about those. I’m not too focused on weight loss, but more so inches, specifically my waist and stomach. I’ve lost about an inch in both my waist n stomach. (From 26.5 in to 25.5 in waist, 28.5 in to 27.5 in stomach.) The lowest I’ve seen the scale was 125.8 lbs during this journey. I’m pretty satisfied with how far I’ve come and my progress. (the slower, the better!) I’m on the larger side of “petite” and probably would be considered “skinny fat,” but this group has been the one to inspire me to focus more on weightlifting and strength training and less so on cardio, and also to up my calories a bit from the dumb “only 1200 cal a day” that online calculators think actually works. The results so far have been great, my abs have definitely been coming in and I feel strong. But at the same time, I have not really been “feeling the burn” from my workouts recently and I’m curious to know if and when I should up the pounds in my weights, if and when I should consider ankle weights, am I actually getting enough protein, and do I really need to have workout days for one specific body part or can I just keep doing full body exercises? Here’s my whole routine below:

Workout 5 times a week + 1 day half assed “lazy” routine + 1 day full rest
Currently using 5 lbs weights, considering moving up to 10 next week?
Start with either yoga or Pilates for 15-30 min
Full body weights for 20-30 min
Abs and/or arms weights for 15-20 min
HIIT twice a week for 10-15 min
Walk 3 miles or 7,000 steps every single day, even on rest days
3 hour hike once a week (occasionally twice)
Hula hooping for 15-20 min sporadically throughout the week (maybe 2-4 times a week)

I follow a lot of youtube fitness routines (Madfit, sometimes Chloe Ting, Yoga w Adriene, Move with Nicole, etc)

1400-1600 calories a day
75-100 grams of protein a day (not keto)
Generally on the healthier/ whole side (I like eating veggies and fruits and oats and nuts)
Drink green or black tea almost daily
Intermittent Fasting 18:6 (sometimes longer up to 20:4) every day
One cheat day a week (usually saturdays, sometimes I break the fast a lil earlier for these days, sometimes I don’t)
Cheat days I eat literally whatever I want, without tracking, but I do try my hardest to not go overboard and still get in a good amount of protein
Lots of water (obv)
Been taking vitamin C and D and zinc every night, but I don’t really know if that means anything

(I track everything in Lose It app, I do not eat back the calories I lose in exercise, always stay between 1400-1600. Lately it’s been no more than 1500 tho.)

Sorry for the long post, but yea I would like to hear what you guys think! Thanks so much! :D

Edit: I workout at home btw! I am terrified of the gym lol but have been thinking abt going to the rock climbing gym

Edit: My goal waist is 24.5 inches and goal stomach is 27 inches. Is this attainable?

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