32 Workouts in 17 Days: Ask Me Anything!

@mariab626 So, my answer is based on my personal experience.

Are you asking, do I recommend cardio or weights first in the day? I do cardio (run) in the morning because of various reasons.
  • First, I don't have time to go to the gym before work, but the running requires no gym, so that makes it much more efficient.
  • Second, I always, always feel better (mentally) if I run in the morning. Starts my day off right.
  • Third, I need more energy for a good run than I do to lift.
  • Fourth, I enjoy it more, and want to get better, so I focus on that.
  • Fifth, I have chronic disease/illness, as well as Crohn's, and my stomach settles a bit better during the day if I run in the morning, and it works better with my meditation timing.
I was quite worn down in the first month, thinking I was totally blowing my running. Then, not only did it get better, but then my running GREATLY improved, both in speed and volume!

Before I started a lifting program, I did do strength training (up to 20lb weights and bodyweight) at home. I was most doing it on days I didn't run, but paired up two days a week. It was not nearly as good as my plan now.

I do eat more, and make an effort to. I notice a big difference if I don't. I also do follow a lifting program (GZCLP) and a running program (with a bit of modifying here and there, but consistent), so I never have to 'think'. I just go and do it.

I can help with anything else, too! Just let me know :) I love talking about this stuff and no one I know in real life cares at all.
@leoser Thanks! This helps a lot. I will give it a shot and doing running/cardio first and weights in the evening. I love running and am training to do a half in March but the weights are really helping tone and shape to get rid of the body fat I can't seem to get rid of. Here's to kicking my own ass for fun!
@mariab626 This is probably good timing, then, as you don't want to mess around too close to the race. Let me know how it goes! The weights will likely improve the running, too.

Good luck on the half!
@leoser Honestly, I tried to do a bit more cardio, but since I don't actually enjoy it, it didn't make me want to continue, even if I agree that it would have been better for me physically to have, say, lifted weights in the morning and done cardio in the evening.
@acer621 I have many questions, not directly related to 2-a-days, but still!
  • What type of program(s) are you running with your 3-day powerlifting and 3-day weightlifting workouts? (prior to these 2-a-days?)
  • Do you do anything other than lifting? Cardio? Yoga? Etc?
  • Sorry, can't see any imgur links right now; did you eat more during these 2-a-days or just continue on?
  • How did you know you snored less? :p
Also, congrats on completing this! I hope you are coping better :)
  • When I do powerlifting on my own I do just a standard 5 x 5. Any powerlifting or Olympic lifting I do with my trainer is whatever he comes up with
  • The cardio I do is in the form of metcons or HIIT workouts. There are a few metcons in the link I put up I think
  • I did eat a little bit more, but not heaps and heaps. Maybe an extra 200-300 calories per day
  • The sleeping app I use tracks snoring!
Thanks for your support :)