Is this a good push/pull/legs routine for 5'6 F, ~150 lbs?


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Is this a good push/pull/legs routine for 5'6 F, ~150 lbs?

Hello, I am a 5'6 F, ~150 lbs, and I am in my first week of doing a push-pull-legs routine (3 days on, 1 day off) and I am wondering if what I'm doing right now is good?

I am trying to get more toned overall and lose weight. I have a couple exercises + cardio that I do each of the days because I enjoy doing them and think they will help me with losing weight.

Would really appreciate any insight/feedback on my routine, thanks a lot 🙏

  • suitcase lunge - 2 sets of 30 each side, 15 lb dumbbell in one hand
  • dumbbell bench press - 3 x 10, 15 lbs
  • seated dumbbell shoulder press - 3 X 7 , 15 lbs
  • incline dumbbell press - 3 X 10 , 15 lbs
  • side lateral raises - 3 X 10, 10 lbs
  • overhead triceps extension - 3 X 10, 10 lbs
  • triceps pressdowns (machine) - 3 x 15, 60 lbs
  • russian twists - 3 x 10
  • side plank dip - 3 x 8
  • treadmill - 20 mins, 12 intensity, 3 mph
  • suitcase lunge - 2 sets of 30 each side, 15 lbs
  • bent-over row - 3 X 10, 15 lbs
  • dumbbell pullovers - 3 x 10, 15 lbs
  • dumbbell upright rows - 3 X 10, 15 lbs
  • dumbbell hammer curl - 3 X 10, 10 lbs
  • single arm dumbbell rows - 3 x 10, 15 lbs
  • barbell curl - 3 X 10, 20 lbs
  • Lat pull downs (machine) - 3 sets of 15, 65 lbs
  • russian twists - 3 x 10
  • side plank dip - 3 x 8
  • treadmill - 20 mins, 12 intensity, 3 mph
  • suitcase lunge - 2 sets of 30 each side, 15 lbs
  • weighted squats (smith machine) - 3 X 6 , 15 lbs on each side
  • dumbbell romanian deadlifts- 3 x 10, 15 lbs
  • Single leg Romanian deadlifts - 3 x 10 (5 on each side) , 10 lbs
  • calf raise – 3 x 10, 10 lbs in each arm
  • leg press(machine) - 3 X 15, no weights added
  • straight leg raises - 3 x 10 on each side
  • russian twists 3 x 10
  • side plank dip - 3 x 8
  • treadmill - 20 mins, 12 intensity, 3 mph
@oceanstorm Being toned, as in having some visible muscle definition, is a matter of building up muscle mass and having low enough fat % for the muscle to show

Weight loss is driven by your diet. Being in a calorie deficit makes you lose weight. Lifting while losing weight prevents muscle loss

Not a big fan of PPL myself and got no real experience using it, but this seems like a lot of different exercises every day. Did you come up with it yourself?
@oceanstorm When we program a workout we ideally want to find the balance between challenging the muscle adequately and allowing it to recover in order for it to grow and become stronger. The more work we put the muscle through (sets, reps, intensity, etc.) the more time that muscle needs to recover. In order to maintain this balance, most of us need only stick to a range of about 10-15 sets per muscle group, per week. A more advanced plan may go as high 20-25 sets, but that usually means there are more specific exercises involved to target specific muscles.

The example leg workout that you provided looks to have 20 sets of legs exercises in one workout followed by 20 minutes on a treadmill. This is far more than the recommended weekly amount in one workout. Simply put, this is too many sets. I also see that you have suitcase lunges in your push and pull workout days too.

I would recommend cutting the overall number of sets or exercises performed in each workout in half and leave the suitcase lunge for your leg day only.

I hope this helps!
@oceanstorm Solid routine. Diet is key but if you're onot at or very near failure on your last rep you're not going heavy enough. Eat clean, keep your routine and go to failure. Eat 0.7-1G of protein per pound of body weight goal each day and you'll get there.
So like for me on chest day, I warm up on regular bench with the bar. Then do as many as I can at 135, then 225 that's usually 8-10 reps. Then I go to 250. I get a set of 5 there but it's hard to finish that last one. Depending on the day I may only get 3 the next round. Then I go back to 225, get what I can and move on to the next thing.