Is this accurate or making sense? Weight loss v strength training to eat more. What to do

5'2" CW 145-147 pounds GW 135-130 Pounds

1650 calories & 8k steps (minor strength trainings) /

If bike rides (1hr ) approx 1850 cal for a day

Will this be a deficit for every week ?

I really want 1800 calories daily. But I haven't incorporated strength enough for muscle yet. and I want to go into weight loss first primarily.
@irishamerican4christ Everyone’s calorie needs are pretty unique. You’ll need to try it out and see how it goes.

I strength train 3-4x a week, 10k steps daily that includes some hiit) and am at 1400 losing roughly 1/2 pound a week usually. 1800 would likely be maintenance or a bit of a surplus for me. I’m 5’2 and 125 currently.
@irishamerican4christ no one can tell you whether or not it will be a deficit. you just have to try it and see for yourself. i genuinely recommend starting to lift weights even before the weight is lost,you will have a much better result at the end of the cut. you will be leaner and tighter (more toned,for a lack of better word) at a higher weight which will decrease the amount of time you need to cut.

the hormonal response from lifting weights,damaging and rebuding muscle,increased protein intake will have a massive (thats an understatement) effect on tdee.

just start with 2 full body workouts a week if you don't have the time.
@christianperson Oh ok. So can should I keep calories same. I'm going for deficit 1500 cal daily for now. on biking days I increase to 1800 . So just add in lifting .. is there a decent non tool oriented lifting program bc I'm not at a gym 🤷‍♀️ not yet . it's not in my routine.
My protein intake is maybe 70grams-90-100grams.
@irishamerican4christ as i said,try it and see how it goes. only your body sill tell you if you can or can't eat that much and lose.

i don't know about programs but you can be fine starting with bodyweight workouts to get used to the movements.
i enjoy pilates style workouts but people like celamar and bootyking have bodyweight workouts with movements you do at the gym.

your protein is good,keep it leaning on the high range of 90-100,but even 70 will be plenty sufficient.
oops i guess i have to be more detailed and explain what "only your body can tell you.."
basically if you lose weight,you can eat that much.
if you don't,then you can't.
no other way to accurately know.

and don't get stuck onto numbers,i promise that if you had a higher tdee,you would be just as hungry in a deficit as you are now. i would also like to eat more,but oh well, can't happen unless i put in some work and do more cardio,more steps etc.

eat high volume and don't snack at all and you can have some pretty fine meals,when i was doing very low calorie i was intermittent fasting and i wasn't too miserable about my food options.
@irishamerican4christ I’m the same height (but 10 lbs heavier) and do Orangetheory 2-3x a week and strength train and my registered dietitian has me at 1575 calories a day. I think 1800 a day would be closer to maintenance than a deficit.
@irishamerican4christ Best way to find out is say go to 1800 calories for 1-2 weeks and track your steps and weights and go with your weekly averge on your weight. After the 2 weeks you will have a solid idea of what your calorie intake is... say you keep about same weight in those 2 weeks, you found your maintenance calorie intake. If you wanr to lose weight subtract 300-500 calories per day. Then you should be losing abou a pound per week. Its recommended to no lose more than 1% of your bodyweight per week to try to minimize muscle loss.
@irishamerican4christ OP, “steps” can be misleading. While we tend to count them as exercise, many our the steps in our daily lives are movement, but aren’t really calorie burning exercise.

I’m 5’3 and 115. Very active (1-1.5 hours of exercise per day, more on weekends), also trying to do a bit of a cut right now. 1500 is my daily, 1800-ish is my maintenance. Google TDEE calculator to see what your maintenance is and adjust from there.
@irishamerican4christ I lift full body (heavy) three times a week. I do yoga/light weights/exercise bands the day after I lift.

I make sure I get lots of activity each day. I park pretty far from my office and walk in with all my junk (big backpack). I walk to meetings in adjacent buildings or take a couple "walk break" if I've been at my desk a couple hours with no break. I have a treadmill desk at home, so two days a week I'm on it 4-5 hours total (2.4mph is as fast as I can go without losing productivity). I hike and SUP on the weekends (I eat more then because I am more active).
@irishamerican4christ That might not be a deficit for you.

For reference I'm 120lb, 5"4.
8-12k steps per day. Per week I do 5-6x 45 mins heavy lifting, 1-2 moderate intensity 45mins cycle and 30 mins hills speed walk every morning.

I've been using the adaptive TDEE spreadsheet for a about 3 months now, weighing myself every morning. My maintenance calories are 1700 -1800 per day. But closer to 1700 most days.

I would do a minimum of 1400 calories per day if I wanted to cut, but probably I'd just stick to 1500.

Edit: I've been strength training consistently for 5+ years. Before then I had a small break due to pregnancy and raising a newborn. Before then I was doing powerlifting, pilates & spinning consistently for 8 years. So I have a decent amount of muscle & fitness.
@baptistbiblebeliever I see. That's so tricky for me 😭 since I'm cutting and need to cut. But I've been breaking my regular deficit and gaining. I'm slowly upping my activity.

I'm hoping to average 8k steps . And I guess I'll drop calorie intake to 1500 . But I want it to be 1650 and see but it might just be a gain.

I understand. Will test the week. But I'll drop to 1500 based on my current body.

That's so interesting because you seem so active and have solid strength for so long. I thought it was possible to take 2k calories. But I understand we have different factors for everyone..
@grahamvanhellsing What do you mean. I'm going to try to test average 1500 first for now. With just walking sometimes with weights (70 mins or 7k steps approximately)

Because the gain is a bummer I was doing really well losing weight weekly. Then I just got hungry and ate 2k calories on the weekend for 3days.-4 consecutive days. Though I included biking for extra time I can't outdo it. I might be losing gaining water weight but I definitely gained

So I have to cut :(

More info ?