Is this allowed here? 26 F needing a routine I can do with minimal equipment


New member
I have a small gym in my apartment complex with very limited equipment…they don’t even have a barbell.

So I’m relatively “fit looking” but definitely have excess fat I need to get rid of. I am naturally pretty muscular but I’m tired of disliking my body. My main problem area is my stomach fat.

All I want to know is a basic full body routine to build muscle/lose fat and there’s so many options it’s overwhelming. I’m far too poor to hire a trainer or join a class, so it’s limited equipment apartment gym or at home for me.

I’m aiming to begin with 4x/week about 30-40 minutes. I just don’t know what exercises to do, how many reps/sets, weight to use, etc.
When I have tried to work out, I spend more time looking at my phone figuring out which exercise to do and how to do it than actually working out.

I don’t have any “gym friends” to help me out either, unfortunately.

If anyone can suggest just simple things I’d greatly appreciate it.
@malek1986 I mean I’m definitely no expert, but I’d definitely recommend looking into calisthenics or HIIT if your trying to work with minimal equipment. It’s what got me through quarantine and I still incorporate pretty heavily into my routine. As with reps and weights etc. I wouldn’t know what to say since that’s a very trial and error thing. Especially with HIIT and calisthenics, but I’d just recommend looking up HIIT videos on YouTube and maybe some calisthenics progression routines and finding some to your liking
@dawn16 I can never figure out which videos are good but I started looking at apps and Nike has a nice one! Thank you for sparking the internet search that led to that!
@malek1986 Yes, 3-4 times a week is a great start. Do 5-10 minutes of warm-up before you exercise, reps/sets depend on how much weight you use (if high reps usually you have low weight), around 3-4 sets is fine as long as you have a variety of exercises.

Here are some good/ effective exercises you can do, most will target multiple muscle groups and require little to no equipment. Some of these can be done without weight, always do without weight until your form improves.

Squats, lunges,, wall sits, push-ups, dumbbell press, planks and crunches.

There are many variants for each of these just pick what you like more. Good luck.

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