Is this too much?


New member
I dont mind how long my workout is, but im worried its toooo long and might be taking away from the ladder muscle groups, what do you think? Im happy to take suggestions on what i should remove:

Push: 29

Incline - 115, reps of 9 9 8

Dumbbell Bench - 55s, reps of 10 9 9

Underhand press - 130, reps of 10 9 8

Pec flys - 130, reps of 8 8 8

Dips - reps of 12 12 12

Shoulder press - 100, reps of 8 6 6

Arnold press - 30s, reps of 12 11 10

Lateral raises - 35/2(17.5), reps of 12 12 12

Skull crushers - 55, reps of 12 12 12

Seated tricep - 220, reps of 11 10 10

Tricep extension - 50/2(25), reps of 7 6 6

Tricep curl - 110/2(55), reps of 10 10 10

Pull: 29

Pull ups - +25 reps of 10 9 9

Face pulls - 90, reps of 8 8 8

Single dumbbell row - 70, reps of 10 9 9

Rear delta - 85, reps of 10 9 8

Single lat pulldown - 80, reps of 12 12 12

Shrugs - 165, reps of 11 11 11

Rows - 120, reps of 10 9 9

Preacher curls - +30, reps of 11 11 10

Hammer curls - 30s, reps of 9 9 9

Incline curls - 25s, reps of 7 6 6

Spider curls - 30s, reps of 9 8 8

Reverse curls - 50, reps of 8 7 7

Legs and Core: 29

Outer calf raises - +135, reps of 12 12 12

Inner calf raises - 1-14, reps of 12 12 11

Squats - 205, reps of 12 12 12

Deadlift - 235, reps of 6 5 5

NHC - reps of 8 8 8

Leg extension - 280, reps of 12 12 12

Leg curl - 160, reps of 10 9 9

Inner thigh - 170, reps of 12 12 12

Outer thigh - 160, reps of 12 12 12

sled(3 plates) - >>, reps of 20 20 25

Hanging crunch - reps of 12 12 12

Oblique cable - 100/2(50), reps of 11 11 11
@brianwhitskey24 You have almost every exercise in the book on there, yes the amount of exercises is a bit much, the reps/sets are fine. 1-2 exercises per muscle group is enough like for the triceps you have 4 exercises but 2 is enough. Also start with compound exercise first.
@brianwhitskey24 Yes this is way too much. Instead of doing 10 different exercises and 3 sets of each for every muscle group, do 1 compound movement with lots of sets, followed by 1-3 assistance exercises. For example, bench press, ohp, and dips. 3 amazing compound movements that will be enough stimulus for all your pushing muscles. Same thing with lower body, just do some squats and deadlifts, followed by calves. 3 exercises that cover your entire lower body without the need to do "inner thigh" and "outer thigh" lol. You are overthinking this way too much trying to individually target every muscle. Just focus on compound movements as your main lift and get most of your volume through those, followed by a few isolation movements that will help those compound lifts go up.