It’s an odd question but can I get rid off my abs?


New member
I don’t like them.

I’m a girl and I don’t work out or anything, they look odd and make me look stocky. I have an Adonis v line thing which I really hate. I’d prefer to have a normal soft or flat stomach.

I have a myriad of issues with my body, but this really frustrates me because it doesn’t make sense. Is there anything I can do to get rid of them?
@markabeach For all it's worth, it sounds like you might have body dysmorphia...

That said, your body: losing abs is fairly easy: gain weight. Don't even need to gain much, just enough to mostly cover your abs, so... just eat more.
@markabeach If you can, just wait it out. They will likely soften on their own with age. Otherwise, if you’re on a sport or dance team, maybe just consider swapping it out for a less physical activity.

Gaining weight will do the trick but I seriously recommend trying other options first as food can be addictive. It can be easy to go overboard.