Jeff Evans: 23rd, Gretchen K: 36th, Chris Spealler: 21st, Tommy Hackenbruk: 23rd, Jenn Jones: 32nd, Alex Nettey: 24th, and Marcus Hendren: 107th

@dereklirus It's pretty well known that Hack rarely trains with CF-style workouts. He's only going to slip further behind as the other athletes improve exponentially.

I am bummed about Jeff Evans. He's really fun to watch compete.
I hate to nitpick, but the athletes aren't improving exponentially. They are improving incrementally. We are seeing tiny improvements at best
@dereklirus I'm just afraid we will be back to the regionals format where we end up with 3 out of 4 heats of 10 athletes staring at some moderately heavy barbell that they cannot lift to continue their workout. At least last year they made sure most of the athletes in the regionals were strong enough to handle the weights they programmed.