Joe Rogan biceps w KB’s


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Joe said yesterday on his pod that he does not do bicep specific exercises yet his bis are massive. What kb exercises likely contribute to this or is it his genetics? And yes I know he takes testosterone but that still absolutely requires working out.
@misterpriceless Hes mentioned his workout routines a few times recently. Sounds like cleans and presses, chin-ups, and rows are staples. Plus, bjj requires quite a bit of pulling/grip so I’m sure that contributes.
@misterpriceless fwiw I distinctly remember him saying he doesn’t play a gi heavy game and instead uses nogi style grips almost exclusively so probably not the biggest factor in the equation

edit: heavy double cleans work the biceps pretty well, and I think he likes those gorilla rows
@misterpriceless Anecdotally, I notice my biceps getting bigger when I do a program with lots of cleans and Turkish get ups. I think the tension from the get ups combines with them being like tertiary movers with the cleans. However, due to genetics, my biceps seem to grow more quickly than other parts of my arm. I really saw this difference doing Strong by Geoff nupret
@misterpriceless He might only do KB work these days but the biggest contributor to his arms is likely his training history. He's been at it for 30+ years with martial arts, barbells, etc. The kettlebell-only claims are somewhat recent and it's not a stretch that he could maintain doing just that at this stage between his drug use and probably above average diet for hypertrophy.
@acog12345 Yes, I also know when people get in my age range over 40 the get inflammation in elbows fro pull ups. But unless there is. Pre condition, working such a small muscle is a waste of tie if you are benching, dipping, pulling, snatching, cleaning,etc..I was a victim of the curls
@missingthemark I actually feel entirely the opposite. I was very much of the "squats work your core and calves, pulls for biceps, presses for triceps" thinking.

And maybe it's as I've gotten a little older. But adding a bit of direct work has my joints feeling better and stronger than before.

I also find that being able to grab stuff in awkward positions and bring it to my body, mostly with biceps, is pretty "functional".
@missingthemark Ive been working out (body building and strength) for 10+ years. My chest, shoulders, and back explode with little work. But, my bis and tris, forearms, and legs absolutely require direct and intense work to change/grow.

Compound lifts and back work does very little for my biceps. Direct work one day a week does little, two is better, and three days of direct work is best…for me. Everyone is different.
@redeemed2007 When I was younger, I did the bicep curls, dumbbell, easy bar; I mean unless your a competitive bodybuilder, why? Do this math: I could probably curl 75 lbs on an easy bar for 15 reps, maybe more, but at this point I weigh 215 lbs and can probably do a maximum of 8 reps of pull ups/or chin ups on my first set. What’s more work? And if a mountain lion or the police are chasing you, are curls gonna help you pulling yourself over a tree or a fence?