Jogging in place?


New member
I’m 33/f 5’8 360lbs
I recently started crocheting for a living so I’m basically always sitting. I have a fit bit and typically get about 1200 steps per day (I take it off to crochet don’t worry 😂)

Well today I’ve started jogging in place to get a bit of exercise I guess. I just jog in place for a minute and then sort of pace for a bit. I do this 3 times in 10 minutes, then work for an hour, get back up and do it again.

My questions are:
Is this fitness in any capacity lol like is there any benefit to doing this?

My resting HR is high 60s low 70s, but it goes up to 163 sometimes after jogging for one minute, that seems a bit high, will I eventually “get used to it” and it won’t be so high?

Also should I eventually increase from 1 minute jogging to 2 minutes or 3 minutes and how will I know when to increase?

And lastly, do I need to wear shoes to do this? I’ve just been doing it barefoot lol.
@cherylschoice there is benefit to this, especially if you're used to living a pretty sedentary lifestyle to begin with. any movement counts. yes, your heart rate will get used to it, and eventually will stop getting that high, although the 160's isn't outrageously high for your age while doing cardio. a 30 year old's target heart rate for 85% effort is about 162. you can definitely increase the minutes you jog, once 1 minute feels easy, try for 90 seconds. once 90 seconds feels like a breeze, shoot for 2 minutes. your body will let you know. cardio/hiit is never EASY, it feels like a workout, but you'll know if you can do more or not. you don't need to wear shoes unless it's more comfortable.
@cherylschoice This is a great start to improving fitness!

Just gradually add time to what you’re doing. Even if it’s 30 seconds. Just do it slowly.

The most important part is that you are creating a habit.

Also, one of the ways you will start to see improvement is your resting heart rate will start to come down.

Keep up the great work!
@cherylschoice Maybe you should walk or keep jogging in place. Every time you run each strike of the heel produces 3-4X your body weight. A 100 pound person would produce around 400 pounds of pressure. With your weight running at full speed would produce 1,400 pounds of pressure. You could possibly injury your knee or a bone in your leg. Not trying to demotivate your just want you to be careful. Do whatever feels best for you.