Julia Vins reminded me that women don't have to be tiny (crosspost from TrollX)


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...instead they can look like they can wrestle bears! :D

For those, like me, who previously hadn't heard of Julia before, she's an 18 year old Russian Powerlifter. And this is what her back looks like.

She's a gal who has ignored her critics (some of which claim she's "ruining her body") over the last few years (personally I think they're just jealous that she went from a very thin girl to someone who can out arm wrestle them). And frankly that's awesome as all heck. I think I found a new fitness role model in her and she's a decade younger than me!

Her official site is here, and her Facebook is here.
@luv2ski77 It's up for debate if it is in the short amount of time she did it (2-3 years), but there are women who compete in natural bodybuilder contests who aren't exactly "small".

The limit really comes down to a person's body more than anything I'd say.
@mary_woods Those braids, and that silhouette in the one pic, she's Pippi Longstocking all grown up!

If she grew up lifting horses that's what I'd imagine she'd look like anyway. :p Thanks for sharing, this girl is totally inspiring me.
@mary_woods Why does people take such issue with this woman using steroids? Just because it's something that's not popular in your country does not mean that there's anything inherently wrong or immoral about it.
@extrasourcream I don't think it's people taking issue with her steroid use. It people giving a PSA to all the commenters here saying they want to be like her: it's more than likely not natural.

Just like photoshopped supermodels aren't realistic yet girls strive to look like them. I personally don't judge people who use steroids (unless they compete) but it's important to not say that with enough hard work anyone can achieve the same results.
@extrasourcream that's the irony, people think they're defending her by denying her likely steroid use, but its really just their internalized view that steroids are cheating that causes them to do so. to admit it to themselves would take away from their positive view of the person, but only because they themselves are being judgemental. In most places you can buy steroids legally from pharmacies without anyone batting an eye. culturally no one cares and people do what they want with their bodies. in a way its the kind of non judgmental "my body my choice" utopia a lot of people dream of, yet many of these same people contribute to the kind of cultural condemnation that keeps us from reaching that place
@mary_woods this woman is definitely using anabolic steroids. not that there's anything wrong with that. but realize that's what it takes to achieve this look if that's what you're going after (steroids are super easy to get and common in Russia, such that there are a lot of famous bodybuilding/powerlifting teenagers coming from that region).
@honeycutt I'm only coming back to this because I stumbled into this (I was honestly wondering because the question was raised over her possible steroid use, and was trying to dig around a little more). According to Julia she doesn't use steroids.

She does take a lot of supplements though.
@honeycutt We've kind of covered the lack of side effects of steroids in her pictures (take it from a trans person who has to deal with facial hair, it's a bitch to deal with and if you have even a regular male's amount of testosterone, much less above, you'd need to deal with body hair daily, but she doesn't seem to need a shave), or did you see some zit scars and back hair on her that we didn't see?

I think there are enough factors at play to make this pretty legitimate (for example she weighs around 139lbs, and isn't exactly tall either, so any muscle she's packed on on the last three years, pound for pound, is going to be more pronounced than on someone who is taller just because her muscles are shorter) without steroid use.
@mary_woods I use steroids, and am friends with women who use steroids (one just got her IFBB pro card in figure). I also don't have any acne because I used a cycle of accuate to more or less permanently rid myself of it (if you can get anabolics, accutate is not hard to get either). HGH is also known to reduce side effects of steroid usage such as acne and I would not be surprised if she were using that or peptides that function similarly. There are IFBB pro women's bodybuilders that are obviously on steroids to even the biggest steroid deniers and they don't have acne, so I'm not sure why you're focusing in on that like it proves anything,

Do I have a video of her sticking a needle in leg and saying "these are steroids I'm injecting?" no, but once you've been around it for a little bit its easy to tell. Its like growing up in the US and being able to identify the difference between a big mac and a whopper. People in north korea couldn't do it, but its not because its hard, its because of lack of exposure.

No one has to take my word for it, by all means be inspired, work hard, pretend this is possible naturally, in 10 years when you're not there yet the journey will have still been worth it. But at the same time, refusing to accept this kind of thing is also what pushes it further underground. There's a ton of women who probably do want to look like her and would do steroids just like her, but will never get the chance because the culture here is so unaccepting of it. If you want the option of "my body, my choice" then the first step is accepting that people do in fact use steroids and it is an option, in fact some of your greatest heroes are using them. So don't be fooled by the supplement industry which is trying to sell you overpriced caffeine while telling you anything is possible, while the very models selling you these things are all on steroids. Buying in like that is just being someone's useful idiot. People should be able to make informed choices about their bodies.
@honeycutt Acne wasn't the only thing I mentioned. It is the only thing you addressed though.

Honestly you can argue that she's on steroids, but I'm not really buying into it. Call me naive if you want, but I really do refuse to buy into the idea that the only way she could have gotten to where she is now is through steroid use.

As for the supplement industry: I take one supplement in addition to my lifts: it's a protein powder with creatine (it's premixed). No caffine, no pre-workout, no mass gainer, just that one supplement (which helps fill a gap in my diet since I don't consume large amounts of protein in my diet).