Just got bloodwork back from the doctor, low sodium..

@bjlytle7 I have read that dietary salt is particularly important mineral to people, but in excess is particularly bad for heart disease, diabetes, and other diseases that are often linked with obesity. For that reason, the RDA for salt is on the low side. And that healthy / active people should be consuming quite a bit more (double or more).

But blood level isn't all about dietary sodium. I don't know my salt level and not able to comment how low 130 is. But it is low enough if take it seriously. The normal range is 9, and you are 6 below the lowest end of that. Not awful but gpood to get it checked out!
@bjlytle7 It's been a while since i had about sodium in school, but while 130 is hyponatremic, its not MASSIVELY hyponatremic.

You could try to salt your food more for 2-3 weeks and see if that makes any difference. Do you drink a lot of coffee/energy drinks?
How is your sleep schedule - alot of late nights/crunch work?
@purplepurple I have averaged about 6-7 hours of sleep for over a decade. Usually 8+ on weekends. I don't drink coffee. I don't drink sugary drinks. I will have 1 Monster Zero in the morning, and I'll take a pre-workout powder in the afternoon. So on average, I do take in ~300-400mg caffeine a day. This has been my norm for years to be honest. I'm stim tolerant. I have done late night work (I do freelance IT work). I also use blue light filtering glasses.

One thing I neglected to mention is that I don't think I get a lot of potassium in my diet. My wife makes power smoothies (lots of fruit) but generally I don't eat bananas often, I don't take potassium supps, or drink coconut water or drink sports drinks. And I know that plays a role in balancing out sodium in the diet...so thought it was worth mentioning.
@bjlytle7 I agree about seeing a follow up specialist per your doc’s advice, but I wanted to suggest maybe not ruling out Monster drinks if they’d like you to take another look at your diet.

I have been drinking caffeinated coffee every day for maybe 20 years with no problems. A few years ago I started drinking Monster zeros instead ‘cause they taste better. I started having weird problems... felt mentally squirrelly, and I could feel my heart sort of skipping beats sometimes. Anyway, when I read about Monster drinks, I learned these drinks are not just caffeine drinks. They combine different chemicals to enhance the effects of caffeine.

I stopped drinking them and everything returned to normal. Went back to yucky coffee. Haha

Just another dietary place to look.. I know people can be very devoted to energy drinks, and that’s fine, but it’s not for everyone.

Here is an article about how the drinks can alter blood pressure and electrical activity in the heart for some people: Energy drinks may have unintended health risks
  1. Who here is qualified to give you medical advice on your sodium levels? C'mon.
  2. Fitness cures a lot of ills, and as long as you don't have a medical prohibition, is likely the right move.
Suggest talking to your doctor about sodium, and then independent of that, get physically fit. It's amazing how many ailments go away when you are fit and strong.
@paulotarsus I don't think there is anything wrong with getting opinions on a fitness forum directed at people over the age of 30 on a topic about specific information. That is all I'm doing, I'm not seeking to take anyone's advice as 'medical advice' even if they state in their comments "I am a board certified xyz".

Doctors get things wrong all the time, and I'm not sure what your experience is with doctors, but mine essentially want me out of the room as quickly as possible. You aren't event a patient, you are a number.

But I'm already on the step of talking to my doctor about sodium. I'm already on the step of having gotten tests done. I'm already on the step of waiting for a referral for another doctor. I'm on the waiting step.
@corinthian17 I increased potassium which I definitely didn't get as much of daily...but I don't think the sodium was the issue, I had to do alot of stretching and mobility for my upper back as it was tight with my occipital muscle

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