Just need to talk about what I know about working out somewhere


New member
I was posting and commenting in brogress, but I happened to ask someone a question about what eating disorder they had. They really thought all I had to say was that based on their starting weight that they didn't have an eating disorder, but there was just no talking to those people no matter how many times I had said I was never saying that, and now I'm banned over there and I'm pretty sure with my karma I won't be accepted in the fitness reddit. I just want to have some place to speak about things I can say about working out I don't care about being banned, if I'm at least able to, then when I go back to working out I won't have to keep thinking about it.

I am 115lbs right now. I haven't been working out for 10 years and never really used reddit seriously either. I can talk about working out all day long because I didn't just stop working out after a few years, I've been training since I was 7, like, I even had my grandma keep count of my pull ups back then each night. I did 5 years seriously with a weightroom before I stopped. I can't overstate this enough, I worked out all the time, I'm even confident enough to say that even after I left athletics in 10th grade it still doesn't change that I had more experience exercising than my entire school.

I did my first 2 years in athletics in 7th and 8th. Then when I was in 9th I switched schools and started athletics again only mid way through the year. My best exercise was incline bench. I was so weak at first that I had to begin working out with the weakest group, they all could barely do the bar, and I started out not even been able to do that, but then slowly I gradually needed stronger and stronger spotters, because by the time I finished the year, I was already stronger than the 10th graders at normal bench on my incline, mine ended with 165lbs in only 6 months. Then in 10th I had managed to take on three P.E. classes at once, that was because I failed some classes and after completing them I was asked what to replace them with, and I said P.E.. I was in good with the couch well enough to work out in the weightroom each day. It was just me and one other person, and all by myself, and each time I left the weightroom it was just so I could lay on the ground having to be late to class 15mins later because it meant walking up the stares. When I went home, I spent the rest of the day swinging a 10lb pole around outside until the sun went down, working out other ways, but also my routine of working out for 8 hours straight. I'm the only kind of person I know that works out even when they're feeling bad.

Before I stopped working out these were some of the things I could do. I could run 40m in 5 flat. I curled 75lbs in one hand. Dumbbell press was the same each hand. Peck machine was over 285lbs and I couldn't stack more weight. Trap bar deadlift was 265lbs. I was working out by myself so I don't know what I did on some. I could do 116 push ups. Well over 400 crunches, mainly because I was so light and just got bored having to sit through so many. During physicals I did the longest on pull up hang, I don't know how long I could do because the couch had to stop me because the class was ending, I know it was over 12min. I also haven't changed weight since then being 115lbs.

I spent the 10 years not working out learning everything I could about the human body and know more about it than anyone else. And, when I go back to working out I'll have way better chances reaching greater heights now because I will have 24/7 access to a gym and know all of the things worth it for bodybuilding that I never could have taken before. Please give this a one up.