Kb28kg as first


New member
Just ordered the 28kg to train this summer, probably I should have just ordered 20kg but I wanted just one for now… someone says it’s too much while someone else says “just buy the 32kg trust me”.
I Thought the 28kg is a nice kb to have and train, my info: 1.80cmX105kg , a bit overweight but I can do series of 6/7 reps of:
- strict press with the 24kb in the gym
- deadlift 160
- squat 120
- bench 70
- pull-up with an elastic band of 15/20kg (so i can do 7 or a dozen of series)

I don’t do swings or snatches since 2y as my gym closed and i stop doing crossfit but I wanna obv restart and doing the simple….

My thought is to train TGU doing just reverse and maybe windmill (or something simple to start), any suggestion welcome….

Now that I think about I could have started this topic before ordering the kb…. But anyway….
@stefan612 Given your lifting background, I think you're probably gonna be okay with the 28 kg. You can do swings (2H and eventually 1H), cheat cleans (into 1H cleans), strict/push presses or jerks (since you press the 24kg for 6-7 reps), goblet/one-sided front squats and one-arm rows. It will be hard at first, but you will progress with it relatively quickly.

As for programming, I don't know too many great KB options, but the ones I like on paper are:

- DFW Remix:
- Waving Density (Turn any complex into a conditioning program) by resident ABC master /@hunter101
@jvk1214 Exactly! We are all the time trying to figure out the most optimal way of doing everything, but the truth is that pretty much everything works, that anything is better than nothing, and that good enough is often better than optimal. Consistency is the key.
@stefan612 Maybe you could start with a 24kg but 28kg is technically your test size KB. Just do what feels right and back off if anything starts to hurt.
@stefan612 For some certifications and snatch tests they go by weight class. Not assuming you are looking to test or anything but you could just find that as measure of KB fitness standards.