Keeping GainZ with swimming when hurt


New member
Learn from my mistake, don't skipprogression even if you are eager to progress. I took 2 deload week and 1 complete pause. Still hurt, got to take a few weeks off to let my tendon heal.

I'm on a small cut right now and I would like to maintain my GainZ as much as possible. I was thinking very very light BWF once or twice a week and keep my cardio regiment of badminton and swimming twice a week.

In my understanding swimming work a lot of muscle at once, will it be enough to maintain a significant amount of muscular gain while I recover from my foolishness?
@noturavgguy Swimming won't provide a heavy enough load to build any significant strength. You also won't be able to progressively overload your muscles. Swimming should keep you from getting skinnyfat, though.
@dawn16 Though he won't be able to progressively overload, if he continues to swim he can at least increase the resistance (using hand paddles and swim fins and bungee bands) which would help more than just swimming without equipment.
@noturavgguy It is very hard to lose muscle, especially so if you are eating a proper amount of protein and keeping the muscles somewhat active. Don't expect any gains though, especially on a deficit.

I should also point out that if you are injured, then I would eat your maintenance calories, you will recover faster with more food and it will help in preventing atrophy. No weight gain should happen.
@beaud20 Fair point. Left shoulder/biceps. (I think.) While doing ring dips without a strong support hold.

I'm not sure if its tendonitis, but i'm sure that it is a pain that require a brake in my strenght training.
@noturavgguy You might want to invest in some heavy elastic bands. You could still do tricep presses, legs and core.

Sprints are a good overall muscle builder.

I think swimming might slow down healing of a shoulder injury