Kettlebells with Calisthenics and Running


New member

I have been consistent for 2 months with calisthenics (full body workout M, W, F) and running (T, T, S). Before that I was training with Kettlebells for around 3 months. But since calisthenics started, I was barely working with kettlebells ( may be once a week).

I was wondering it I should incorporate kettlebells in my training in the following fashion.
  • Full body Calisthenics - Mondays and Thursdays,
  • Kettlebell swings, snatches, clean and press and squats - Tuesdays and Fridays,
  • Running 5 kms - Wednesdays and Saturdays
Please advise if someone has followed a similar program. What had been your experience?

@lowebo There's nothing wrong with running a bit after lifting, if you have the time. Or at a different time of the day.

You alternate between kettlebells and bodyweight training 6x/week and run 7x/week on top of that.

But sure, what you came up with also works.

For 13 weeks straight at the end of last year I did hard kettlebell, barbell and bodyweight training like 4-6x/week + extra chinups at home, and ran 2-7x/week, including a weekly half marathon.
@lowebo I used to train strength with only calisthenics until I got bit by the kettlebug last year. My normal workout schedule is 3x per week full body and I categorize by
  • horizontal push
  • vertical push
  • horizontal pull
  • vertical pull
  • squat
  • hinge
Within those categories I have multiple options. Horizontal pull for example could be some variation of ring or kettlebell rows. Squats could be pistol squats, split squats, lunges, cossack squats, regular squats and each of these either unweighted or single KB goblet squats, single or double front squats, overhead squats, whatever. Tons of possible variety.

Hinge especially is very hard to load with only calisthenics but kettlebells offer all the swings, cleans, snatches and deadlifts that I could desire (well, heavy deadlifts are better with a barbell).

I'm currently somewhat experimenting with different variations and how they feel for me but adding kettlebells into the mix has been super fun and that's super important becoming it keeps me showing up.