Kettlebells and longevity

@dee77 Fun to watch, admire the strength - which is impressive. Does not pretend to recommend programming, nor hide the fact that he's essentially doing strongmen/circus tricks. Since he doesn't seem to take himself or what he's doing seriously and it's pretty obvious that "don't try this at home" applies I find his contributions to the cesspool of social media a net positive. Also, clearly dude has solid fundamentals.
@juancarlos Good post, love Peter. His posts and podcasts are so good. Anyone interested in longevity should definitely look into his stuff. He's very smart but he does a good job at explaining complex topics to those who may not be in the medical field.
@trackstart12 100% I first heard Peter on Joe Rogan maybe two or three years ago whenever he was on. Listening to Peter's podcast has definitely changed my life in a positive way and would recommend it to anyone.