King sized Killer phase 2 smoked me today


New member
Started phase 2 which is the strength endurance phase. Ladders of 3,6,9. Twas absolutely brutal on the lungs and grip (in a good way lol).

For those who have done this one, did y’all ever put the kb down before switching to the other arm? I ended up doing that for the sets of 6 and 9. Last phase was 1-5 ladders and I didn’t have issue with just switching with a kb swing. Can’t wait to see the improvement by week 3.
@jar1437 That’s the way I did phase 1 also. The higher reps on phase 2 had me setting the bell down between arms on the 6’s and 9’s. Let me know how ya go when ya get to phase 2.
@dixieriderxx Yeah there is a pretty significant jump between phases. I set the bell down between hands for sets of 9 reps or higher. By the end of phase 2 i could do the sets of 9 without rest between hands. I didnt continue to phase 3 or attempt KSK 2.0.
@dixieriderxx I absolutely rested between each run of the ladder; no way was I going to try and do it without resting; I think if I did try to do the whole ladder without resting I'd up having even longer rest times between sets
@dixieriderxx Hey - I'm doing this now too. Just started this week.

It's sort of odd that he specifies hand switches in KSK 2 but not at all in 1. Then you get to 1.3 and 2.0 that look basically the same with different rep schemes except 1.3 a set is 9 reps vs. 2.0 where a "set" is 9x2 reps. Because he emphasizes the hand switch in 2.0, I’m inclined to believe that the ladders are switch between sets/rungs.

I've been doing all the ladders as putting the bell down each set: 3 on the right, 6 on the left, 9 on the right // 3 on the left, 6 on the right, 9 on the left // etc. However, it's annoying with even numbered ladders. I'm going to do day 2 and 3 as 2,4,6 and 4,8,12 instead. My guess is that it is intended that you put the bell down because the length of your single sets generally increase over the course of the program and in GN's other programs he seems to think of a ladder as a small cluster of sets.

I've been running KSK intermixed with Giant (Snatch / CP / Snatch // CP / Snatch / CP) which has been fun, but if I were starting over I'd borrow more from DFW's progression: mixing ladders and straight sets and changing reps between the weeks.
@lbeebe48 That’s an interesting way to do it. I did 3 on the left, 3 on right, rest. Then 6 on left, set bell down, 6 on right rest. Then 9 on left, set bell down, 9 on right, rest.
@dixieriderxx Fair yeah, you can alternate two ladders or double up in one ladder. Same result - I think the only difference is that a snatch rep is hand agnostic. One on the right and one on the left is two reps.
@dixieriderxx Wait until you start KSK 2.0! I just started phase 1 of that this week. Haven’t come across anyone on the interwebs that has successfully completed all 3 phases of 2.0. Is there anyone out there that has done this? What was your experience?