Kubicka's personal log September


New member
Hello guys!

I’m writing this as another part of my log to let you see my progress, help me with my problems, to help with your problems and motivate each other 😊.

This is bigger part created as a post on main page which will be posted again after a month. Weekly logs (shorter) will be posted to Friday’s thread.

So what did change from last month?... I’m still 23 years old, 174cm tall and currently 71,8kg (0,2kg less) office worker and movement lover.

Goals for the next month: Gain 1 - 1,5kg of mass
Ultimate goal: Try a bodybuilding show

As for the training... I trained 5 times per week in gym under my office (best job ever! :D I can even work for like few hours and then go to the gym) PPLRULR style. Next month the training will remain same as last month as I am still changing most of the excercises but the big one, where I just add weight. I am going to use same progression this month and see where can I get with it, if there'll no more progress I'll switch to another kind of progression:

(spreadsheet picture).

I mostly train those excercise which helps me to feel the body part most, but I don’t mind changing them from time to time.

Every strength excersice (those 3 reps) are done with on RPE 9 – 9,5 and every other excercise has to be pretty feeled and end with 1 or 2 in reserve.

I never tried one rep maxes but from my last training before deload I’ve lifted this: Sumo deadlift 152kg x 3 (6kg more then last month), I've stopped doing bench press but will try it again this month, Squat 124kg x 3 (4kg more than last month).

As a method of proggresion you try to add weight on big movement (bench, squat, deadlift) every week and add volume on other excercises by adding 2 intenzification techniques (dropset, superseries, giganticseries etc.) every week until you hit deload (every 4-6 weeks).

As for the nutrition... In September I was eating 4-5 meals a day where I get 3450 kcal (700kcal 4 meal, 250 postworkout shake (protein and maltodextrin) and 400 before-bed meal (mostly fats and proteins)) most of the days. Macros are pretty much flexible too but I try to eat protein in every meal so I eat like 180-210g protein/day.

I was on vacation this week and did not move and ate too much so my weight has gone down, but I think it'll go up after few days of eating in a surplus and training hard!

For next month I'm planning to stay on 3450kcal a day first week and will change it based on results next week.

I slept 7-8 hours a day.

As a last thing I’m going to add my pictures, so you can comment on what do you think is my weakness (posing, lol) and stregths.
This month really changed my view on everything, I was really feeling my muscles being used in every excercise and has much better mindset. I'm looking forward to gains this month!