Getting super fatigued after personal training?

@kolosojr I’ll edit my post to clarify but it’s usually an average of 5 days a week working out and maybe 2 of those days are double classes (2 hours, but relatively low intensity).

I could probably stand to drink a little bit more water. But I’m definitely eating fine, I’d say. Gained like 7 lbs in these 6 weeks. I’m currently 5’8” and 153 lbs which is actually my heaviest ever but I’m also my strongest. Even with a little bit of stubborn belly fat to spare.
@countrygurl32 could be anything then - hormones, your quality of sleep, stress. I used to have a Sunday afternoon nap every week, I felt exactly how you described here, but this week I ditched the two 6am yoga classes I usually do, and I had so much more energy at the end of the week!
@kolosojr Hmm. It wouldn’t hurt to ask my doctors about hormones. I am on hormonal bc after I had a ton of problems on nexplanon and before that heavy and painful periods. For the last 6 months on bc I’ve skipped the placebo for 3 months at a time (at the advice of my gyno).

But as you say, maybe I am just overdoing it and need to cut down on classes. It just sucks because they’re really fun and they’re right after work so I’m not waking up crazy early or anything.
@countrygurl32 is it possible you have endometriosis? I have endo and it can cause fatigue. I've read that moderate to high intensity exercise can aggravate symptoms. (This may not apply to you at all, just thought I'd mention it.)
@velvety777 I think I average like 5 days a week usually. So I do have some rest days. The double classes happen maybe twice a week.

I’m just wondering why it’s a problem in the first place. Like I said, the classes aren’t very challenging yet I’ll see people talk about hitting the gym hard 6 days a week and I’m only doing that once per week. So maybe it’s just too early?

For years I did lighter workouts 6 days a week but usually for 30 mins instead of an hour. And no weight lifting at all
@velvety777 I’d say so. I’ve gained almost 7 lbs in this time frame of about 6 weeks. Some of it is surely muscle, but I do have a tiny bit of stubborn pandemic belly fat as well, which has reduced mostly. I’m the heaviest I’ve ever been right now, actually, but also the strongest. Currently 5’8” and 153 lbs.
@velvety777 Honestly, no, not intentionally. I figured I would focus on getting a base level of fitness first then try cutting fat later. I thought that focusing on losing fat while I’m having the energy problems would be a recipe for disaster. So I’ve been taking the route of just eating when I’m hungry and not worrying too much about it. But maybe that was misguided?
@countrygurl32 So just because this is XXfitness - all of a sudden being super tired from normal-ish activity (increased personal training but decreased yoga difficulty), more naps, and unintentional weight gain I would take a pregnancy test just to rule it out.

Other that that it could be stress, a cold, body adjusting to a new form of activity, micronutrient deficiency, dehydration, etc, etc
@christian33 I’m realizing just how dang complicated this actually is!

I took a pregnancy test this morning just in case and it was negative so luckily that’s out. But others have said increased activity can also mess with hormones so I’m not completely out of the water there just yet.
@countrygurl32 My body is super sensitive to workout plan changes too. Has your period been regular?

I'm guessing that you've been eating more because you're gaining weight but I would've expected the extra hunger to level out right about now since you've only added in one day of weight lifting.

Everyone's body is different though and since you weren't lifting before your body may still be adapting. I think it's worth doing a blood draw just to make sure you aren't defeciant in any vitamins and that your hormones are at good levels.

Sidenote: if you find your increased eating including a lot of simple carbs you might want to lower those and move to more complex carbs. See if that helps.

I love simple carbs but they don't love me. I get a quick rush and then get pretty sleepy. I try to save them for right before workouts or in the evening.