LogSmarter Beta Launch


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Hey Everyone,

LogSmarter™ is back and better than ever. What started from Reddit has moved on to grow into something special all thanks to you.

What is LogSmarter™, you say?

It’s nutrition tracking software that helps you determine your maintenance calories, and then gives you guidance on how to change your intake based on your goals and evidence-based recommendations.

Why’s it special?

Our software has an underlying machine learning algorithm. That sounds like a black box so let me explain. We have data from over 700 people that had their energy expenditure calculated using doubly labeled water. Our software uses that as its backbone, and simultaneously runs your data through multiple iterations as you update it each day with your body weight and calories.

Don’t other programs that already do that?

Kind of. We have two main competitors - Avatar Nutrition and Carbon Diet App. The difference is the data the system is built on and the underlying algorithm.

This is not your standard excel formula formatted on “if that-then this” like our competitors. We can run multiple simulations at once. In fact, our algorithm runs 9 iterations of your data at one time. It then adjusts your calorie recommendation to the one that fits the best.

Are you going to improve it?

Yes. We are working on being able to pull in data from your favorite fitness apps (MFP, etc) so that you don’t have to manually input calories or body weights each day. That’ll take a few months, but it’s our top priority. We will also offer macronutrient ranges for different goals or types of people (e.g., athlete) soon.

How much does it cost?

It’s free to test out for 14 days. To continue using LogSmarter™ after the free trial, it currently costs $4.99 per month. I’m sure that’ll change over time but for now, we just need to cover operating costs and to pay our coders. They survive on caffeine and pizza. I’m kidding. They know how to eat properly and train hard.

CEO = r/BostonRAL

full disclosure: I’m the CSO.
@freedom2012 LogSmarter is much different than the RP app. What really distinguishes us is our proprietary machine learning algorithm. Our software is the best user friendly solution we know of for finding an accurate estimate of your TDEE. Our software is also constantly updating, learning and providing feedback from your data to account for metabolic adaptation and keep you progressing optimally towards your body composition goal. We also plan to sync with other apps, so if you already track kcals with MFP, we will sync that data in the future.

If you want to learn more, you should check out some of the videos on our Youtube channel and website that give a more in-depth explanation of our algorithm and software. www.logsmarter.net
@thepcwife You say you're different from carbon because of the underlying algorithms, could you go into more depth on it (in practically terms not coding).

And maybe the first question will answer me, besides price, which is around half of carbons, why should I pick you guys?
@david762 Our machine learning model that our algorithm utilizes has a major advantage over our competitors because it’s built from a large doubly labeled water dataset, which is the gold standard technique for estimating TDEE. Other popular models were built with indirect calorimetry datasets, a less accurate technique that does not directly measure TDEE.

Other popular models use a modeling technique called linear regression that attempts to fit a straight line to a dataset. This is likely an issue for models that predict energy expenditure because there is evidence to support the claim that energy expenditure does not follow a linear distribution.

Essentially, we leveraged better data and a better modeling technique for this problem to produce a more accurate model for TDEE estimation. This model is incorporated into our algorithm which also learns from your data to account for metabolic adaptation, provides goal intake ranges for your body composition goal and provides evidence based feedback. The model is used to generate a more accurate starting point for your TDEE estimate than other apps can provide.

One of the best resources to check out more about our algorithm is the following video on our Youtube channel

That is a presentation I gave for my universities annual research conference that explains the science behind our software at a high level and even though some of the clips of our UI are outdated, the information about the algorithm is still accurate.

Our low price and our algorithm are our advantage over other apps, no one else has access to our proprietary machine learning model and we've spent over a year and a half working with end users, researching, developing and validating how the algorithm and machine learning model work. Thanks for the good questions!
@thepcwife May be kind of a dumb question, but is all this work even worth it, when we know many things impact our weight and our TDEE is kind of a range, and different everyday? What difference would having this specific number even make on our long term progress?

It may sound as hate, but I'm legitimately wondering. I got the trial and will be buying it either way because I like to have the data.
@matt5 Not dumb at all! You are correct that TDEE varies. Therefore, w give a range so it isn’t one specific number.

The difference is one of efficiency, especially long term. The more accurate your data is the better it can support your goals.

Thank you for your support. We value all feedback so feel free to email me if you have any.
@thepcwife Makes sense, thanks!

Another thing, up until now I've always used the nSuns TDEE spreadsheet and even though I have multiple months of data, the estimate is nowhere close to the "real TDEE", because coming out of a deficit my body was just randomly gaining water for couple of weeks, which isn't the result of the surplus. Would I have the same issue with your solution?
@matt5 That's a great example of where the nsuns spreadsheet is flawed. I understand how that spreadsheet's algorithm works and your old data is preventing the estimate from being accurate. This is why we have implemented a periodized approach to tracking in LogSmarter where your data is split into logs. Each log represents one nutritional phase and you will have a different TDEE estimate for each log that accounts for the metabolic adaption that occurs during a nutritional phase.

This helps our algorithm reduce noise in your data and provide more accurate estimates. Our algorithm would likely produce a more accurate estimate in that scenario because we have many checks in place to prevent erroneous TDEE estimations.

Essentially, we do a better job of maintaining accuracy when switching nutritional phases. The algorithm will still need to learn about the new data coming in, but there is no old data weighing it down or biasing its feedback.
@thepcwife With free acount i cant even change it to the metric system. How should i be able to test it then? When i want to upgrade i need to instantly fill in the card details?

Am I doing something wrong?

Wanted to try it as I'm using carbon at the moment.