Looking for Advice for Adding more Exercises to my Workout


New member
Recently started going to the gym and I'm intending on following the beginner basic routine from the r/Fitness wiki. However, I'm looking to add a little more work to the routine as only doing three compound exercises has left the workouts feeling a bit short. I'm 5'10, 17 y.o, and around 64 kg. I'm training for muscle growth and am attempting to increase the amount of food I eat to maintain a 10% calorie surplus

Current workout:

Workout A
  • 3×5+ Barbell Rows
  • 3×5+ Bench Press
  • 3×5+ Squats
Workout B
  • 3×5+ Chinups (or equivalent)
  • 3×5+ Overhead Press
  • 3×5+ Deadlifts
I alternate between A and B with a day of rest in between, with a 2.5kg increase every lower body exercise and that same increase every second time I do an upper body exercise

What additional exercises could I add to this split? I've considered accessory movements like barbell curls and tricep extensions as I'm looking to build my arms, but I'm apprehensive about messing with isolation exercises this early on in my gym experience.

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