Looking for guidance


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I (31F) just started going to the gym a little over a month ago. I go MWF, on Wednesdays I do a group strength training class and on M and F I have mostly been going for cardio and using the treadmill and rowing machine. Ultimate goal is weight loss and overall health so I’m not specifically looking to build up any one area, just improve my health overall. Recently I have noticed that my knees have been hurting which is limiting how long I am able to do the work I have been doing for cardio. My current weight is 273 and I have been advised by a doctor to avoid running or jumping until I lose more weight to avoid damage to my joints. I also take a glucosamine supplement and shoot for 3-4 16oz water bottles a day (trying to build up more, working on this). I don’t know what most of the other machines in my gym do or what they’re even called so I don’t want to just jump on something and not know what I’m doing. Does anyone have any suggestions on what alternative exercises I can do/look into for my M and F gym days to add to my workouts, especially if my knees are hurting?
@goodtoseeya I'd suggest looking into strength training. It might help your knee pain.

Box squats and possibly dumbbell deadlifts. Lots of resources online. Bodyweight squats are probably a good place to start but for deadlifts you'll want them weighted.
@deandrade I am going to group strength training classes Wednesday nights so I’m for sure working on those. Would squats not exacerbate knee pain?

To clarify, it almost feels like my knees are swollen a little but I haven’t injured them so it could very well be weird water retention. I’m just trying to make sure I don’t hurt myself by doing something with no idea what I’m doing lol.
@goodtoseeya My knees used to hurt and I found strength training fixed them. Not having enough muscle around the joints can result in pain.

It's worth consulting a medical professional of course, but I'd still recommend strength training.

You'll need more than once per week to see a significant difference though. I'd recommend 3x a week but start with low volume and increase slowly but progressively.
@deandrade Is there any specific youtube/guided resources for strength training you have used that you would recommend? I can only afford to pay for one class a week so my other days I’m on my own
@goodtoseeya I really like Mark Wildman's content. For starting out, consider these videos:

Quite simple but will be effective if done consistently.

These are mostly kettlebell centric activities but you could do them with a dumbbell or really any kind of weight.
@goodtoseeya Ask for a tour of your gym. When I started going to the gym, there was an introductory session we could take where a gym worker showed us how to use all the machines. We even had a little old lady in our group and he had all of us use each machine (and showed us the parts to wipe down, very helpful), making sure everyone had the correct form. That was at a Planet Fitness, so nothing special. But I was sooo intimidated at the gym, I wouldn't have tried half of those machines otherwise.

And, if your knees are hurting a lot, see if you can find a pool near you. I found a local YMCA that doesn't have terrible fees, so I try swimming when my knee hurts especially badly.
@loveofjesus2 I may do this on Friday! My gym is locally owned but well equipped. Every single staff member has been super friendly and great. I try to go on my lunch break on Monday and Friday when there aren’t so many people there so hopefully I will be able to get a decent idea of how to do some things because yes, intimidated is definitely the word!

Unfortunately the closest rec center with a pool is about a half hour drive one way, so that plus my extreme anxiety about wearing a bathing suit means I probably won’t follow through with swimming, even though logically I know it’s one of the very best things I can do in my situation
@goodtoseeya Heather Robertson and Caroline girvan are great on YouTube. It might be worth booking a 1:1 with a trainer just to get to know technique and the weight machines in the gym. Also work on joint mobility and flexibility to help keep everything moving fluidly - this is an example of mobility and stretches -
@braydeno Thank you, I will look into these!! Unfortunately I can’t afford a 1:1 trainer, as much as I would absolutely love to. They are all so great at what they do and have been so friendly when I’ve spoken with them in classes or just at the gym in general, I just don’t have the money right now
@goodtoseeya I completely understand that, it does all add up to a lot of money. Caroline girvan gives really good tips on form and Heather has loads to- they are both great. Good luck!
@goodtoseeya First off, I would say if you are taking glucosamine to aid in knee (or overall joint) inflammation, try to eat fish two to three times a week. Seafood is high in omega-3 fatty acids. There are an essential fatty acid that your body needs that it does not produce on its own. Either in insufficient quantities, or zero quantities...not sure. Either way, omega- 3's aid in making the soft tissue in your joints really healthy. If you do not like seafood, you can supplement with fish oil capsules. But, as with all micronutrients, they are best when consumed from food. Not in supplement (pill) form.

Secondly, you can use the leg extension and leg curl machines at your gym to really focus on strengthening your quads and hamstrings which will help keep knee joint very stable. Doing this, as well as putting yourself in a mild caloric deficit to shed the weight, should help your knees out quite a bit.

@greatideas1144 Thank you so much! I am also taking omega-3 supplements because has much as I WANT to like fish, I vomit every time 😭. I have been watching/counting calories for a little over a year now and have lost 40lbs since my starting weight, so that habit is definitely continuing! I’ll look into the leg extensions and curls!
@andiluvs Unfortunately no. The only pool in my town is only open during summer when school is out, and the next closest town is a half hour away. That combined with my extreme anxiety in swimwear makes water exercise not an ideal option for right now

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