Looking for input on my workout routine


New member
Hi all, I’m new to lifting and am hoping for some input on my workout routine.

I’m a 26 year old male, 6’0”, 162 lbs with very little muscle and a bit of extra fat. I’ve been doing this routine consistently for 1.5 months now, have lost 10 lbs during that 1.5 months (on purpose). At this point I’m looking to build a good layer of muscle over the winter so I plan to go on a 300-500 calorie/day surplus for the coming months while sticking to my routine, while eating 1 gram protein/pound of body weight.

My goal ultimately is to build a good amount of muscle and then lean out so I feel more confident in myself and look good with my shirt off. Right now I’m pretty skinny-fat. I don’t care about being as strong as possible but want to be in good shape for my health and appearances.

I like to workout 6 days a week as i feel I’m making more progress and it gets me out of the house. I have a simple 3 day split. I also walk 10-12k steps per day. My plan is to increase the reps on each exercise every time i lift until I can do 7-10 reps for all my sets, then I add weight which drops me down to around 3-5 reps at the new weight. I do pretty much all my sets to 0-2 reps before failure, and go to failure on my last one. Rinse and repeat. Here’s the split:


Incline dumbbell bench: 5 sets

Assisted dips: 5 sets

Overhead press: 5 sets

Smith machine flat bench: 4 sets

Pec deck: 3 sets


Deadlift: 5 sets

Pull-downs: 6 sets

Barbell curls: 6 sets

Assisted pull ups: 6 sets

Dumbbell Preacher curl/incline dumbbell curl: 6 sets (rotate between these two)


Squats: 5-6 sets

Leg press: 5 sets

Leg extensions: 3 sets

Leg curls: 3 sets

I do these 3 workouts twice a week. Is there anything major that I’m missing here or that is getting neglected? I chose these lifts because they’re mostly compound lifts, they seem to work well for me and they’re what I’m comfortable doing. I read to keep things simple when starting out and I feel this is a good simple plan. That being said Im still new to this so any advice or improvements greatly appreciated! Thanks
@yellowking Some sort of calf raise maybe on leg day. Stronger calves could help pump blood, if I remember correctly from the course I took a few weeks ago lol

You don't appear to have a tricep isolation exercise.

Also no rear delt focused exercise.

No barbell or cable row