Looking for suggestions on my weird workout routine


New member
I have access to basic hotel gyms 4 days a week in a row, and then dumbbells/pull-up bars the rest. I've been doing PPL to make the most of it with pull day first, push, legs, then pull again. I do the second set of push and legs using only dumbbells with rest day on Friday. Can I get some suggestions/improvements on my current routine? Or if there's a better routine out there that fits my schedule but I don't think its likely.

Main goal of working out is to gain weight, build muscle and be fit in general. I've been working out for 5 months now, started out with r/bodyweight recommended routine for 2 months, then moved to r/fitness dumbbell PPL stopgap for 3 months, and now with access to a gym, I've started a modified version of Metallicadpa's PPL + the DB PPL stopgap. I like PPL and working out 6 days a week because its easier for me to stick to and I feel good after every workout which carries onto the rest of my day. Here is my current routine:

DB = Dumbbells

SS = Superset

100s rest in between each set/SS

Sat (Pull 1):

Deadlift 2x5 (warmups with 50% and 75% max weight), 1x5+ (max weight until failure)

Pullups 3x12 (can only manage 9, 7, 5 real pull-ups followed by negatives).

Seated Cable Row 3x12/Hammer Curl 3x12 SS

Bicep Curls 3x12 / Face Pull 3x12 SS

2 mile jog later in the day

Sun (Push 1):

Bench press 2x5 (warmups with 50% and 75% max weight), 1x5+ (max weight until failure)

Overhead press 3x12

Cable flies 3x12 / Tricep pushdowns 3x12 SS

Lateral raise (machine) 3x12 / tricep extensions (machine) 3x12 SS

Mon (Leg/core 1):

Barbell squat 2x5 (warmups with 50% and 75% max weight), 1x5+ (max weight until failure)

Romanian deadlift 3x12

Leg press (machine) 3x12/Calf Raise 3x12 SS

Hip adductors (machine 3x12/Hip adductors (machine) 3x12 SS

Leg Curls 3x12

Hanging Leg Raise 3x12

Tues (Pull 2):

Barbell Row 2x5 (warmups with 50% and 75% max weight), 1x5+ (max weight until failure)

Pullups 3x12 (can only manage 9, 7, 5 real pull-ups followed by negatives).

Seated Cable Row 3x12/Hammer Curl 3x12 SS

Bicep Curls 3x12 / Face Pull 3x12 SS

2 mile jog later in the day

Wed (Push 2, no gym, all with DB):

Shoulder press 2x5 (warmups with 50% and 75% max weight), 1x5+ (max weight until failure)

Bench press 3x12

Floor Fly 3x12/Lateral Raise 3x12 SS

Overhead triceps extension 3x12

Thur (Leg/Core 2, no gym, all DB):

Goblet Squat 2x5 (warmups with 50% and 75% max weight), 1x5+ (max weight until failure)

Lunge 3x12

Single leg Deadlift 3x12/Calf Raise 3x12 SS

Ab wheel 3x20

As you can see, I really like SS to save time, bonus points if they use the same machine/setup. My two non-gym days seem to lack volume to me, but they got me tired out when I was still doing the dumbbell stopgap PPL.

Thank you!

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