Loosing arm fat


New member
I (22 F) just had a baby 7 months ago and gained some unwanted weight. I’m mostly insecure about my upper arms and back. I was just wondering if there’s any realistic way to slim them down without gaining too much muscle. I want them to slim down not be the same size but muscle yanno. If that is possible what kind of workout should I be doing? Is it mostly a diet thing too? I’m lost
@scooper8 i can send you a very good cardio arm workout video!! but also spot treating fat isnt real, if you want to lose weight you will lose it everywhere (some places more than others probably, depending on your body type) this vid will tone your arms and not bulk them up!
@scooper8 You won’t get big crazy arms unless you do steroids. I promise you can just work out and do cardio and eat right and you’ll be happy with the results.

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