Lost weight, but lost muscle mass while gained body fat


New member
I have been steadily losing weight (0.5-1 pounds per week) likely due to calories deficit for the past two months, but somehow I lost all the muscle mass I gained last month (~3 lbs) while my body fat bounced back from 20% to 24% :(

I think it’s still coming down to diet because I did have a few days of eating unhealthy snacks such as chips and ice creams, in the past few weeks. But I have been drinking at least one scoop of protein shakes once a day.

Training wise, 3-4 days a week at gym, one day lifting weights, one day legs, rest are cardio like treadmills and swimming.

Looking for advice on how to eat to reduce body fat while gain muscle mass. Thank you!

Edit: Added more information.
@jeannec Best way to maximize maintaining muscle while losing weight is by eating adequate protein (minimum 0.8g of protein per kg of body weight), engaging in strength training and ensuring your calorie deficit is not too large.
@jeannec Based on the info you added, you likely didnt lose any muscle, as that is VERY difficult to do when you still have fat stores. We dont know your height or weight so I have no clue if you are heavy, normal, or really thin. ALWAYS take "body fat %" scales and tests with a grain of salt. Unless youre spending a TON of money and doing a bunch of long and deep tests, theres no way to get this info accurately and isnt something you should worry or care about. Alan Thrall has a great video about it and how each test has different results

You can just LOOK like youve lost muscle simply because you are retaining more water, so you wont look as lean. You can't base the idea of "losing muscle" on seeing your muscles more sometimes than others, especially within a month which is a VERY short period of time. I know for myself, I looked like I had MORE muscle in the past but I wasnt anywhere near as strong as points where I looked less muscular.

Eating chips or ice creams doesnt just make your muscles disappear or lessen, that isnt how it works. Its more likely BECAUSE of eating those, especially chips which has a lot of sodium, you are just holding onto more water, thus making your muscles less lean looking.

If your goal is to gain more muscle, I would suggest you do more lifting during the week than just 2 days. If you can do 5 days a week targeting different muscle groups each day, thats what Id recommend. Something like, Chest>Back>Shoulders>Arms>Legs. Doing cardio every day is fine as well and wont hinder this as long as your calorie and protein needs are being met.
@jeannec Chances are your numbers are wrong based on how you talk about it, like if you are using some sort of 'smart' scale or something. Even the more accurate things would not be something I'd rely on for month-to-month variance.

Also, you don't mention anything about your training. The #1 most important thing to keep and/or build muscle is the stimulus to let your body know it's important. Protein is a distant second.

The advice on how to reduce fat and gain muscle is, be in a slight deficit, train hard enough to send the message, and get enough protein so your body can do something about it.
@jeannec You have provided us almost no information. Are you training? What is your program? What are your goals? What is your TDEE and current caloric intake? Are you on an intentional calorie deficit?

And how do you know your body fat “bounced back?”
@jeannec Where are you getting your numbers from? If you're using one of those "smart scales" that supposedly gives you your body fat and muscle %, those things are worthless.

I actually got one of those as a X-mas gift and used it to be nice, but didn't really pay attention to anything besides the weight. Over the last year I've been on a bit of a fitness journey and lost 35 lbs. and in the last 2-3 months I've been putting on a good bit of muscle. As I've gotten healthier and developed muscle, the muscle % on the scale has actually gone down, it's kind of hilarious how awful those things are at measuring anything.

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