M/19/190cm [66kg to 73kg] (4.5 years)

@christianwriter87 There definitely is. It’s very easy to build a strong body on that base at 19. My advise would be to do a strength training instead of bodybuilding, but make sure you know very well what you are doing because with that training is easy to get hurt. Then once you are around 80kg+ do mantainance so you won’t stress the body too much and just enjoy.
@christianwriter87 As others has said 73kg on 190cm is very small, I’m at the same weight but 183cm, also small.. You need to bulk up, but other than that yea, your genetics are what they are, maybe you can’t build muscle faster than this, it’s ok though, just keep lifting!
@christianwriter87 Your issue: you are not eating enough.

Your body can only look so big at 73kg. You are at the very bottom end of the healthy weight range for your height. If you want to look bigger and get stronger, your going to have to be ok with putting on a little more mass. Slowly working up to somewhere around 95kg will allow you to actually put on some mass and make substantial progress.

It’s ok to put on a little fat. A quick cut will shed it off and reveal the gains you’ve made. But you have to be in a gaining phase for long enough to actually make those gains. My suggestion would be to actually embrace a committed bulk if you want to make substantial gains.
@christianwriter87 If you’re not getting bigger you simply aren’t eating enough
If you were eating in a surplus you’d be getting bigger.
Eat in a surplus. Track your cals. Track them correctly.
If you bulked and then cut, and legit don’t have anymore muscle mass. You could’ve cut all the muscle out as well. That’s pretty hard to do though unless you starve yourself.
@christianwriter87 If your working out 3 times a week as anything but an advanced lifter you should probably be doing full body workouts. Once a week frequency just isn't enough until you are nearing your peak.

I would switch to a full body routine. One with at least one compound a day followed by some accessories. Push yourself on the compounds in a linear fashion and push the accessories to near failure. Eat enough to gain a pound or so a week.

You have to tax yourself more, plain and simple.
@christianwriter87 Aim for 0.5% increase in body weight per week and do it for 16 weeks and then do a 4 week maintainence phase then a mini cut

You do this for the next 5 years and then you will look like you lift my fellow tall limbed brother
@christianwriter87 You need to fucking eat.

If you are lifting and not getting enough calories and protein then you are not fueling you gains.

Whoever it was that said you need to get to 200# is right.
@christianwriter87 It could be overtraining as well as undertraining(lack of intensity) but its most likely cutting to early and cutting to much you shouldn’t weight 66kg at 1.90 bulk up till 100 atleast fix your training and start your slow steady bulk in two years you will look unrecognizable