M/28/6’2” 166lbs - help & advice


New member
I have just recently picked up the confidence to venture into a gym after suffering gym anxiety for a long time after having a bad experience in one. But slowly getting there

My main goal is to bulk up as I am still skinny with quite a fast metabolism.

I was wondering if my current work out is going to help reach the goal? I am only using machines (for now I hope to build up to free weights eventually) this is the current plan?

10mins walking on treadmill highest incline
Latpulldown (Lats) 30 weight 3 sets of 12
Latpulldown (biceps) 30 weight 3 sets
Leg raise machine 20 weight 3 sets 10
Chest press 20 weight 3 sets of 10

Leg press 70 weight 3 sets 10
Triceps dual adjustable pulley 7.5 weights 3 sets 10

I also go to two les mills classes a week additionally

I also would not know where to begin diet-wise to gain weight whether or not I should be splitting everything up into days by bodyparts

Any advice, help would be incredibly appreciated for a nervous beginner like myself.
@ogmarie That's not that skinny. I was less than 140lbs at 6'1 and I didn't have a fast metabolism or anything, I just didn't eat enough. I could eat large amounts of food in a short time, but it has to be done consistently.

Get on a 3x5 or 5x5 program, you can do empty bar at first.
@ogmarie I make a banana, creatine and protein smoothie every day. Oatmeal is my go to breakfast.

Sounds like you're doing solid. Lots of plans to Google. That's what I do for ideas. Journaling helps keep track of machine weight and sets.

I am a casual lifter. I attack upper body and take it easy lower body. Then vice versa 3 days later. Warm up on treadmill. I have a bad back so I have to take it easy overall.
@ogmarie the food makes 70% of your workout bro. i used to add a oat-protein-shake to my breakfast to gain weight.
make sure you eat stuff with high fibre! beans, lents and stuff like this have great fibres and proteins.

if you want to go high carb, make sure to use nutrient carb and not just sugar to increase your calorie-intake.
@ogmarie To gain weight and muscle, eat more calorie dense foods like nuts/seeds, nut/seed butters, dates, dried fruit, whole grain or sourdough bread, whole grain or legume pasta, avocado, pesto, hummus. You should also eat more protein rich foods like beans/lentils, nuts/seeds and nut butter, tempeh, soy products(tofu, tempeh, edamame, soy milk), leafy greens, whole grains esp quinoa