M, 41, 5'9", 150 -- Not getting stronger on L-sit Pull-ups, dips, tucked ice-cream makers, pseudo planche push-ups

@fanner570 That's actually the point, it is. Basically you are eating a surplus on workout days, and maintenance or a slight deficit on rest days. Basically at the end of the week your total calories should be a bit more than your weekly TDEE. I find it much easier to do a nice slow and controlled bulk (~.5lb a week) this way. Just something to consider.
@fanner570 As someone who feared to take back the pounds I lost on a diet, you won't get fat in a 1, 2 or 3 months doing bwf on a clean bulk... far from it. So eat eat eat, but veggies, meat and dairies, no bullshit ;)
@ohcean To add on to this, in particular make sure you are getting enough protein. This was a problem I just discovered; I was eating great, and even slowgaining weight, but didn't have enough protein in my diet. Once I started eating more than it felt like I should, I made fantastic increases in my workouts and lost a couple lbs.