M-6’00,86.4kg(189pound) been training for almost 8-9 months , should i bulk furthur or start a cut?

@revealer Short cut, 6-12 weeks aiming for 3-5 kg. Showing your gains in summer will give you a positive and encouragin feedback. You can resume the bulk after summer and the next cut Its gonna be easier. Permabulks are great for strenght gains but if you aim for aesthetics you'll have to lose all the fat later and it can be overwhelming.
@revealer It depends on your overall goals but based off of the picture I would recommend a lean bulk. You’ve made decent gains for only 8-9 months but after a cut I don’t feel like there would be much muscle mass left, especially since you’ll lose some muscle with the cut since you would be eating in a caloric deficit. I used to cut every summer and bulk every winter, but it wasn’t due to competitions and always felt like a waste to lose that hard earned muscle mass just for some momentary abs and definition. I could’ve spent that time building mass instead of gaining some and then losing it so many times. I’m on a permanent lean bulk until I get to where I want to be size wise, then I will cut and maintain. My goals for bodybuilding are stronger than my desire to appear lean in the spring and summer.