Madrid Championship

@giftsigns Anyone else watch? I’ll be honest I only watched the final heat for men, women, and teams. But I really enjoyed the first day’s individual workouts! Koski looked really good. Karin Frey (Freyova?) also was dominate! I really thought Anikha Greer was going to take that first event but she lost steam on the second half. I also was surprised that Luka Djukic came in at the last minute to take event 2. I’m hoping Travis Meyer can have a better second day or it won’t be a good competition for him. Dahlstrom also had a disappointing first day.

It was kind of fun to watch the team events but they were a little less exciting because they were repetitive or the camera wasn’t following as well as the individuals.

I enjoy listening to Brian Friend announce as always too! I’ll be watching day two!
@celia96 I like it so far. I like the programming, and it's a pretty strong field for the men, good competition. (A pity Adrian Mundwiler couldn't start, was looking to see him compete since I haven't seen him in a while) Interesting to hear Chandler Smith answering in Spanish when he was asked questions in English.
@celia96 Same! The last heats are fun to watch. I was also kind of surprised to see Dahlstrøm not doing so well. I was hoping for her and Helgadottir to make a statement after missing out on the Games this year. But let's see how they'll do over the next few days. Also Campos looked really off yesterday, but I just saw on her Instagram that she was sick in the beginning of the week which explains her performance.
@ispain You know, I was feeling the same way, on top of not watching any second of the broadcast, I was telling myself that 'I'll rewind it later...' but I never did.

I feel for Fikowski and their efforts (PFAA) , to make it like other big sports, but it won't happen, it has little entertainment value it you are not involved.
@grace4nan I enjoy watching CrossFit, but mostly because I do CrossFit and understand how impressive it is at a high level. But end of the day, it is just people exercising for everyone else….
@ispain Yeah this is so true. When even us folks who train this way have little interest in watching other people do the same thing, not quite sure how you've ever going to persuade the masses to take notice.
@giftsigns Day 2!
I didn’t realize ahead of time that day 2 was only the lifting event so that was sort of a let down.

I mentioned in a comment above that I don’t love the mono jump rope but I also don’t hate it. I think it was a good idea to give the athletes plenty of time to know it was coming so they could practice it. It stinks that there were athletes who didn’t get a lift in at all.

As expected Karin Frey killed it! Anikha Greer did really well too. Dahlstrom never finished her double unders so she dropped even further down the leaderboard. Thuri Helgadottir did fairly well to move up to 9th overall. I’m curious to see how well Karin does tomorrow - is she gonna put the hammer down or keep the door open for Sunday?!

For the men, Koski had to do damage control to prevent falling down the leaderboard too much. He got 17th which moved him down to 4th place. Unfortunately for Jonne the men that did well in the lift were already near the top ten. The Dukic brothers stole the show with back to back top lifts and a huge brotherly celebration. I was definitely excited for them! Travis Mayer got a 6th place finish to move him in to 5th place. Giorgis Karavis had another good finish to solidify his 3rd place standing. The two events tomorrow have me excited to see how the leaderboard will change! It’s looking like an exciting top 5/6! I think luka will do well in the run and Koski will do well in event 5.

As for the teams, they had a similar format but only had to do double unders once per athlete. There still ending up being teams that never got to the lift which is unfortunate. Los Ninos are still in first place and both Training Culture teams are still in 2nd/3rd. Kristof Horvath outlifted all the men in the team and individual side with a massive 160kg/352lb clean and jerk. BUT unfortunately we never got to see it. Brian Friend made multiple announcements basically to the camera crew to get him on screen and they never did.

The whole day Friend was trying to call out lane numbers to get on screen but they failed to show the lift over and over. It made the event extremely frustrating. I saw more standing around than lifting because it seemed that there was no communication with the camera crew. It even sounded like Brian was exasperated. Hopefully tomorrow is better produced like day one. That’s all I got!
Sorry, don't like the weird jump rope thing. And the format is confusing, hard to follow what the athletes are doing.