Manly Physique: Revisited & Revised

@inspiringmedia For finding you starting point of a reverse ladder do you go off your max and a percentage of it? For example of o can do 8 pull ups where should I start my ladder?
@inspiringmedia Hope it’s okay to jump in with a question on an older post, just found it today and am kind of curious: Since day 1 already contains a hinge motion (swings) wouldn’t it be suitable to replace the deadlifts on day 2 with double KB front squats? This would make it a complete plan in terms of movements and erase the need for additional squat sets as laid out by OP? Or am I making a mistake here?
@tyler52 Great question. You certainly could. I think it all depends on your goals.

I was focused on upper-body, and since weighted dips are pretty taxing, I thought the suitcase deadlifts were a nice change of pace and a little easier than front squats when running EMOM. Also a good grip exercise since this one doesn't have any carry movement either.

While the SDL's don't have the same benefits as the double front squat, I think they'll still get your quads well-enough to maintain them for an 8-10 week stretch.

If you're looking for something total-body to run 3X per week for 20 minutes knowing you won't have time for any accessory work, I'd sub the deadlifts for front squats. You just may have to cut down some on the reps as to not tax yourself too much.

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