[Meet Report] RPS Women's World Championships - 660lbs@157lbs - 9/16/2017 (x/post r/powerlifting)


New member
I found out about this meet only at my last meet just over two months ago. I looked up the qualifying totals and when I found that I qualified for this meet I decided to go for it.

I also decided not to try to make it back to 148lb weight class so I let my weight creep up (gradually increased caller intake and started creatine again), and my weight gradually got to the mid 150s, and with the extra carbs the day before I ended up weighing in at 157.6.

I wasn't worried about being light for the 165lb weight class I just wanted to see what I could lift when I didn't try to cut weight. I wasn't expecting to be competitive at this meet so I just wanted to set PRs.

My meet PRs coming into this meet where 225 squat, 125 bench, and 265 deadlift.

I had squatted 243 in the gym in May and it went up smoothly and easily - I could have squatted more than day. That was just before I started cutting for my last meet and I haven't been able to squat that much that well since then.

The first 4-6 weeks of training after my last meet I was mostly focusing on improving my form. I did a lot of tempo and paused squats and front squats, tempo and paused bench press, paused and deficit deadlifts. This made a huge difference.

In the weeks before my meet I had PRed bench (without a pause) at 138 and deadlift at 180. I hadn't tested my squat but I had managed doubles at 218 without any issues.

My initial plan was the set my first two attempts so that my meet PR would be my second attempt for each lift and try for a PR on attempt 3. My coach decided I needed to set more aggressive openers and go for a PR on my second attempts.

I was nervous about my openers but decided not to adjust my coaches recommendations: 220/230 for my first two squat attempts, 120/130 for bench, and 250/270 for deadlift.

My last meet I had trouble with not getting enough warm up sets so this time I was determined to not let that happen again. I warmed up my squat, finishing with two singles at 205 that felt really good. 220 went up easily. 230 felt about the same. I went for 240 and it went up easily as well. 3/3, 15lb meet PR

I had a slight issue with my bench. 120 went up smoothly. I had tried 130 at my last meet and get the bar up but it wobbled so I didn't get it. Yesterday I got one red light on 130 for a small wobble. Good lift but I was nervous going into my last attempt.

I would have gone for 140 if 130 had gone well, but decided on 135. I focused on staying tight, not letting my elbows flare out, and 135 went up a lot smoother than 130. 3/3, 10 lb meet PR

I was feeling good going into deadlift. 250 went up smoothly. 270 went up smoothly. I decided to go for a PR on attempt 3 (not just a meet PR) and I got 285! 3/3, 20 lb meet PR, 5lbs PR

I'm really happy with how I did at this meet. The meet was also the longest meet than any other RPS meet I've done before. Usually there is an afternoon session and we finish the morning session by 2 or 2:30 pm, but we didn't finish yesterdays meet until after 5pm. That may have helped me do better, I'm not sure.

TLDR: I'm happy that I PRed but feel like I left weight on the platform in each lift. Final Attempts for each lift
@pianoplayer927 Yay, this is awesome! It looks like you played your attempts well.

Some people say that if you left pounds on the platform that you didn't "try hard enough" (aka, if you didn't fail, you didn't try hard enough)-- but personally, I would prefer to leave a couple pounds on the platform while inching closer to my maxes than over-shoot my maxes and miss a bunch of pounds I could have had because I "tried hard", so it looks like you did well with keeping as many pounds as possible!
@differentviews Thank you.

My coach told me what to choose for my first two attempts and then left the final one up to me. He said I did well, that it's good to leave a meet hungry. (Also I need to work on leg drive to improve my bench.)

You were right. Lifting in 165 felt great.
@pianoplayer927 Yay, this is awesome! It looks like you played your attempts well.

Some people say that if you left pounds on the platform that you didn't "try hard enough" (aka, if you didn't fail, you didn't try hard enough)-- but personally, I would prefer to leave a couple pounds on the platform while inching closer to my maxes than over-shoot my maxes and miss a bunch of pounds I could have had because I "tried hard", so it looks like you did well with keeping as many pounds as possible!

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