Millennial here

@childofgodforever You can't compare your high school self to your late 30 year old self. I had a 4:45 mile back in the day, and I won't even come close to that time again. Give yourself a break. Evaluate where you are now and figure out how to get a little bit better tomorrow.
@sanyu Yeah, totally don’t think I’ll get anywhere near that speed again. Working on the incremental improvements but it has just been really discouraging. Going to take a majority of the comments to heart and start dialing in nutrition to see where it takes me.
Thanks for the kind words of giving myself a break, it’s easy to get in my own head and this helped!
@childofgodforever How long have you been back to CrossFit for? I was athletic in my late teens/20’s, and I started CrossFit at 30 after 7 ish years of not moving at all. It was brutal and it took 2 years before I started feeling like myself again.

It takes time and a lot of humility, but if you can lift heavy and complete the wods after a short time back in you’re already doing fine.
@shantel0410 I’ve been back for about a year now. Definitely not lifting “heavy” yet but at least completing the WODs at the intermediate/beginner weight.
I’ll try to quiet the mean-voices in my head for another year or so. 🤞🏽
@childofgodforever For me, I didn’t make real progress until I started watching my nutrition. I bet if you kept all other things the same but gave that your attention you’d see some changes pretty quickly.
@nebula1 That’s actually a great question and one I haven’t considered, thank you!

I don’t think I have any specific goals (something I realize I need to work on), but I’d definitely say programming is disorganized at best. I was most recently going to another box that was had great programming but the coach and members were total jerks so I came to this one. Figured showing up 3 days a week >>> not attending at all. Unfortunately no other boxes near me.

I’d say the progression generally makes sense to me - depending on the movement I can bounce between beginner and intermediate (I’m scrawny, lol). I’d like to believe I push myself to the upper limits of safely lifting but sometimes wonder if I should be pushing myself a little more on weights - maybe I’ll ask coaches to watch my form and see if they think I can try more(?)
@childofgodforever 3 times a week is great for general fitness and health. It does sound like you have some goals too though and they might need more thoughtful programming. You could maybe do a standalone program from home like varied not random muscle up program alongside the classes
@childofgodforever I'm late 30s myself. You're fine. Just try to do better than yesterday. Work hard to ignore the 20 year olds. If you truly want to compete with them I hope you have multiple hours every day to workout and run/sprint to get back to that level. Everyone slows down as they age. Stop sweating it.
@childofgodforever Talk to a nutritionist and see what you’re eating vs what you need at your age.

Talk to an endocrinologist and see where your T is. Not saying you need to get on trt, but something like 80% of American men suffer from low T.
@childofgodforever Diet matters now more than ever. Eat better. Warm up more than the 5-15 minute warm up class provides. Do mobility at night before going to sleep. You’ve got PLENTY of gas left in the tank, you Simply need to do more maintenance before and after fitness nowadays.
@childofgodforever YouTube has some legit folks. Lots of garbage too but some good quality info if you can find one. I also do what my coaches suggest. My main coach does jiujitsu so our warmups are CrossFit and jujitsu influenced. Kind of cool. Lots of good mobility stuff.

Before working out I focus a lot on 90-90 hip opening, glutes, hamstrings, quads, thoracic spine, scapular pull-ups, yoga flows, etc..

I tend to do some yoga flows before bed also just to stay mobile.

Eating clean and prioritizing protein is key. Include plenty of veggies and fruit, maybe even some fermented foods simply to keep things moving.

Keep it simple and find what works best for you. We all have different bodies and subtle nuances can make huge positive impacts on our wellbeing. 💪😎
@childofgodforever Well I played soccer for most of my life and now (34m) when I play I’m not anywhere near the shape I was back in the day. I do CrossFit 3-4 times a week and it’s so noticeable how my engine is nowhere near what it used to be. Unfortunately this is just how life goes. When I was 18 I could eat 10 tacos in one sitting and had a six pack no matter what I did 😂
@childofgodforever How is your diet? How is your sleep? Do some lab work, look at your lipid profile.

But also, we are all different people than we were 10 years ago. Our bodies have changed even more since adolescence. Compare yourself to who you were 6 months to a year ago. It sounds like you can be pushing yourself further. Go 5 days a week or work in zone 2 training 2 days a week.