Monthly progress check


New member
I've decided to use Pat Flynn's MT Inferno workout as my monthly progress check.

Its a ladder , 2 X 2h swings, 2 X 1h swings, 2 X snatches, 2 X thrusters, 2 X bent over row, 2 X press up.

Next round is 4 of each and so on up to 10 and the back down again. You can rest as much as you need.

My first attempt I got up to 10 in 20.11, but had to stop.

Second attempt up to 10 in 20.34

Third attempt up in 18.52 and down in 18.23 so a total of 37.15. This was at the end of March.

Yesterday 1st May up in 17.31 and down in 15.29 total 33.01.

This is with my 16kg.

I'm pleased with the progress but still a lot of time spent resting.

I'm 52, weighing in at 120kg, which is another figure that needs to come down.

I'm sharing this for accountability so I have to improve now as I will post my times each month.

Thanks in advance for the support, great sub.
@dawn16 Thanks. I was a bit worried about posting it as the time is pretty bad, especially comparing it some the workouts others are doing. But comparing myself to someone of a different age and training background isn't going to help me.
@deedee79 Spot on mate. We are all at our own place within our own journeys! Some have been on the road longer. Time and consistency AND enjoyment will get you to where you want to be, this is a great sub, so don’t feel hesitant to post here. Lots of amazing people on here.
@dawn16 Thanks. There wasn't much enjoyment during the work out but pleased with the time.

As you say we're all on a journey but with different start and end points.