Murph preperation

@snowzee The best Murph prep I ever did was doing some version of Cindy + running once a week for about 6 weeks. Basically any WOD you invent with running and a 1:2:3 ratio of pullups/pushups/squats is going to be really great preparation.

Cindy : 20 Minute AMRAP:
  • 5 pullups
  • 10 Pushups
  • 15 squats
@snowzee What I did a few years ago when preparing for a similar challenge was this workout once a week:

I figured out how many pull-ups I could do as a max effort. I think it was six. Half that equals three.

So I did circuits of 3 pull-ups, 6 push-ups, 9 squats. I think I did six or eight rounds of this.

Then the next week I attempted 4/8/12. And so on. Recalibrating as necessary.

Sometimes toward the end I couldn’t get all the pull-ups in one set, that was fine. I would just tack on what I missed at the end of the workout.

EDIT: This was a supplement to my other training.
@snowzee Yes. I was doing other training similar to CrossFit, I did this on Fridays, sometimes on its own or after a workout.

This year I did a half Murph about two weeks after joining a cf gym. I used this same routine to get through it, my strategy was using a ratio of 5/10/15 ten times. Although the last few sets were like 3/6/9, 2/4/6, etc. I still finished it.
@snowzee You have to work on building capacity and increasing volume. Banded pull-ups and banded push-ups are great for building volume. You can decrease the assistance until you get to the point where you can do high volume sets without assistance.

Once you’ve built some capacity Cindy is great for further increasing capacity in those movements. When I work on decreasing my murph time I usually start off with Cindy once a week for 2 weeks. I then go with 1/2 a murph and add in 1/5 a week until at a full murph. So 5/10, 6/10, 7/10 and so on then rinse and repeat.

Best murph time: 37:05
@snowzee The push ups are usually the sticking point for a majority of people. Honestly, unless you want to do a large volume of push ups outside of your normal programming you'll just have to suffer through it. At some point during 200 push ups you're going to fatigue and have to do small sets anyways. The best way to break up large sets like this is to do small sets from the beginning to try to avoid building fatigue. But if your goal is to finish Murph quickly you'll push fast enough that you're going to fatigue no matter what.
@snowzee Pushups and air squats every day.
Pushups and air squats are easy enough to do throughout the day. Get bored, do 10 pushups and 25 air squats. Repeat a few times through the day. If pushups are difficult for you, just do 3 or 5. Do a few pull ups every time you're at the gym. Once a week do a 10 minute Cindy. Once you feel petty strong up the number of bored pushups and air squats and do a 20 minute Cindy every other week. Wear a vest if you're planning on wearing a vest in the workout.