My arms are impossible... any advice?


New member
I've been working out since jan 2020 3 times or 4 times a week (as much as I can, I try to do it 4) and after a year an a half, I got good results! My muscles are toned and I like how I'm looking... but... my only problem are my arms?

I do streng exercises, I lift weight and I focus a lot on my triceps -then my biceps

. But my arms are still chubby? just looking strong when I force them to show muscle.

One of my friend's told me I should do cardio as well. I started doing it, but my arms still are looking big and so chubby. It's like, I have an extra piece of skin...? LOL

Extra data?: I do arms training 2 times per week. I only eat seafood (pescatarian?) and I drink protein (SAVAS weight down) after my workout.

My arms lol:



ps: sorry if my English is weird... is not my mother language
@andrewxk7 Your arms look fine! My arms don’t look muscular at all when they’re just resting and like other posters have said, in different positions they’ll look different- maybe “bigger” or “smaller.” In the end, it might just be your body and that’s perfectly ok.
@andrewxk7 Workout your shoulder - Arnold press, Viking press.
Also bench press once a week.
Bicep and tricep are actually very small muscle compared to your shoulder and chest. Once your shoulder are on track, they will make your overall figure looks much better!!
To be honest, every muscle counts. Don’t neglect your back either.
@andrewxk7 You've gotten a lot of super positive comment but I want to offer a realistic perspective. I kinda get where you're coming from. I kinda struggle with that mindset too bc in my mind when I think of someone who exercises I think of a lean athletic physique.

Obviously like others have pointed out though, this isn't really realistic for everyone. You can't control genetics and where your body wants to store your fat. It's something that I still struggle with having to accept sometimes, like you know that's the logic but whenever you see someone with that "arms goal" you can't help but feel a bit jealous lol.

I do find it helpful to remind myself that like others have pointed out, you're NOT the only one with this experience! And most people don't really pay that much attention anyway so as long as you're happy, that should be all that matters.

Also even if you somehow do get your BF% down to where you get your dream arms, it will be so hard to keep up. And this is ignoring how, like others said, other parts of your body will probably look even smaller which is not necessarily a good look, like your ribcage might stick out more or your chest might look really bone-y, etc. Maintaining a low BF% requires some sacrifices! Like think of the food you won't get to enjoy 😂

It might be a bit negative but it's what I tell myself, like it's kinda pointless to feel bad about this you know? 😅 Just want to share because I know for me it wasn't as simple as "oh everyone says this is normal, now I feel totally good".