My arms are impossible... any advice?

@andrewxk7 My arms are the same, I even did a cycle a few years ago to see if that would help but it helped everything but my arms. I think it’s mostly genetic and down to our unique body composition. When you are weight training are you progressively overloading weight? So are you increasing you weight you lift over time?
@dawn16 Yes was going to say this. I too am not blessed, I carry fat on my arms. Never got to the point where I was happy but got closer than ever just before pregnancy. Pointers would be
  • Reducing body fat - don't think OP would really need to do this, she def has less BF than I did unless she's looking for a stark difference
  • high protein
  • progressive overload
  • kept switching from high volume to heavier weights in 4 week cycles - keep aiming for bigger weights and really push yourself
  • did arms every workout but concentrated on them 2x per week, non arm days would be 1-2 sets of something
    -make sure you work shoulders through puling
    exercises and arm raises, helped accentuate delts and traps so gave a bit of a better silhouette for the bicepa and triceps - in fact I got more obsessed with those! because they really popped
Also a lot of times I'd be doing variations like a staged, hold or slow lift to really feel a burn
@ldarlingt yeah OP is relatively low BF. I think it's possible her (and mine, and possibly your) arms might be her sticking point. First place to gain fat, last place to lose. Easier to accept and learn to love them if you're not planning on getting super lean 😊
@andrewxk7 I don't have advice but just wanted to say I share your pain! I've been recomping for almost 3 months now eating 150g protein daily and while my legs have shaped up nicely my arms (and measurements) are the exact same despite strength training 2x a week.