My Current Workout Routine (Welcoming all suggestions!!!)


New member
Hey everyone! Before I post what my routine is, I'd like to bring up my current H/W and goals and purposes as to why my workout routine is the way that it is. I'm currently 27 years old, 6'1" @ 215 lbs and am trying to gain muscle, have a solid core, learn calisthenics while maintaining/growing leg strength, and to lose weight down to 195 lbs. I'm currently in the Army, and though I'm "in shape," I can definitely do better.

As the title states, I welcome all suggestions!!

My 6 day workout plan is as follows:

Monday (Calisthenics):

Push Horizontal Progression (currently Ring RTO Push-ups) 3x6-10

Push Vertical Progression (currently elevated Pike Push-ups) 3x6-10

Pull Horizontal Progression (currently Ring Rows, leveled with the round) 3x6-10

Pull Vertical Progression (currently jackknife Pull-ups/assisted Pull-ups (MY WEAKEST AREA)) 3xAMRAP

Ring Y-Raise 3x8-12

Ring Tricep Extensions 3x8-12

Ring Bicep Curls 3x12

Tuesday (Legs):

Box Jumps: 3x10

Power Cleans: 3x5

Back Squats: 3x6-8

Deadlifts: 2x6-8, 1x5+

Leg Curls SS Leg Extensions: 3x 8-12

Calves: 4x12

Wednesday: Skills Day

On this day, I work on callisthenic skills I want to learn (Handstands, L-Sits, Levers etc)

I repeat Thursday through Saturday, except I swap the beginning of the workouts (Calisthenics on Thursday start with Pull instead of Push, and I do Hip thrusts and Front Squats instead of Back squats and Deadlifts)

I also do cardio after each workout, being the 12/3/30 method (12% incline, 3 mph, 30 minutes). Mainly to help benefit towards weight loss. I know with weight loss, 70% of the work is my diet which is currently going well. But the 12/3/30 has helped a bit in the past.

If there's any suggestions please let me know. Feel free to use anything from my plan to help benefit yours!