My fat loss/muscle gain journey of 8 months. Not incredible, but I'm proud. (5'2", 128-113)

@audrajaxon Sure! My macros are actually pretty terrible...I really should fix them. But mostly 50% carb (It REALLY should be only like 30%), 20% fat, 30% protein during cut.
During bulk, I tried to shoot for 100 g of protein a day. Protein powder and canned tunafish did most of the work there.

I do not track cheat day macros. But I assume it's, like, 200% carbs, 50% chocolate bars and 50% Fruit Loops. XP
@bsingeorgia Thanks everybody!
Strength training: Basically I did what the guys in r/fitness was a "terrible" routine, and they're probably right, but I basically did:
Mon: Arms (Curls, OHP, Rows)
Wed: Legs (Goblet squats, split squats, Weighted across the floor lunges)
Fri: Back/Chest (Bench press, lat pulldowns, other back-related machines)
I like to focus on my back because a) I have scoliosis and I should really strengthen my back for my posture, and b) I think a woman's back, if toned, can be uber-sexy!
@sniffles1973 I don't know what the guys in /r/fitness where talking about, that seems like a decent starting routine and you clearly got results. Some times those guys forget not everyone has access to the tools to do SS.
@dawn16 OR that everyone wants the sort of results that SS provides. SS is great for starting powerlifters. If you're going purely for vanity OR going for a training to help a specific sport, SS may not be the right choice at all.
@ness128 This. This is what I am looking for! My husband has been doing SS for a few months now, and loves it. He's made huge gains, but I am not sure if that is what I am really aiming for... All I know is running alone isn't going to cut it for much longer!
@ness128 Me personally I am not looking to be a power lifter. I think is great things to be gained from lifting heavy but for those of us looking to get slim and already have strong, thick leg muscles SS isn't really a solution.