My first personal workout plan


New member
Guys I need a review about my workout plan. I've been working out for a year and it's the first time I've ever tried to do something with stuff I've learned in the last few months. Do the exercises make sense to each other? What about Sets/Repetitions? Maybe too much volume…

Monday (PUSH A)

Triceps Push Down With Rope 4x12
Overhead Triceps extensions 4x10
Dips 4xMAX
Bench Press Multipower Station 3x8
Lateral Raises 5x10
Lateral Raises with Cable 4x12
Barbell Bench Press 4x6 (+1 rep. Max -20% weight)
Cable Crossovers 4x8

Tuesday (PULL A)

Dumbell Row 4x10
Lat Machine 4x8
Pullups 3xMAX
Biceps Curl 5x10
Barbell Curl 4x8
Low Pulley 4x10

Wednesday (LEGS A)

Leg Press 3x8
Leg Extension 12-10-8-6
Standing Leg Curl 4x12

Thursday (PUSH B)

Push down High Pulley 4x12
French Press 4x10
Triceps Machine 4x12
Barbell Bench Press 4x6
Incline Bench Presses 4x10
Pectoral Machine 2x12 - 2x8
Front Side Barbell 4x10
Seated Dumbell Shoulder Press 4x8

Friday (PULL B)

Lat Machine Reverse 4x12
Low Pulley 2x12-2x8
Vertical Row 4x10
Scott bench 4x10
Concentrate Curls 4x8
Biceps Machine 12-10-8-6

Saturday (LEGS B)

Squats 2x12-2x8
Leg Curl 4x12
Leg Extension 4x10
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@peachysteph You are doing a lot more push volume than pull volume, which is not ideal. Maybe landmine rows, hammer curls, shrugs and pendlay rows have a place in your program?

Also, is there a reason you are not deadlifting on leg day? There is so controversy around the movement, but personally I think if you aren't straining and your form is near perfect you should be fine.
@peachysteph I just wanna tell you that it is great what you are doing. The best way is to do it yourself IMO and you will notice when things are off and need to be changed. Just stay open to adjusting your routine.

Personally, I just went back to 4 to 5 days of training per week instead of 6+, my body didnt take too well to it after 1.5 years. Like I got injured frequently (tendonitis etc), my lifts were no longer improving because I didn't give my body the rest it needed.

I feel like 6 days per week is too much and would recommend going one day less and really focus hard on regenaration on the 2 resting days. Your body will thank you and you will not lose gains at all. On the contrary, reducing my days made me get in even better shape.