My issues with measuring hypertrophy by strength increase

@oojeanetteoo If you feel that you need 3 push days then why not do 2 heavy days and your 3rd day can be a light day where you don't lift as heavy?

What do your push days involve? Just bench? Are there other chest exercises involved?
@oojeanetteoo A lot of interesting answers here.
Here’s the truth. Sometimes, you are just weaker on a particular day because of many variables and factors. As you become more advanced, you need to start looking at progress in terms of the larger picture, and not on an acute level.

Am I stronger than I was 3 months ago at relative body weight? No? Then there is a problem.
Am I stronger than I was yesterday or two days ago? No? Not a big deal because recovery is multi-faceted.
@jluponeage I agree. Think about your weight. It can go up and down daily for lots of reasons but the important thing is the overall trend.

I use Strong to track my lifts and you can see a graph just like you would with body weight and it helps see the trend easier.
@oojeanetteoo I’ve had good progress with the following bench programming. Basic but I’m adding weight weekly.

Week 1 3x8
Week 2 4x6 (5-10lb heavier than last week)
Week 3 5x5 (5-10lb heavier than last week)
Week 4 3x8 (add 5lb-10lb on top of week 1).


I haven’t plateaud yet so can’t confirm what happens there
@oojeanetteoo I’d get one of your barbell bench days to be a heavier 3x3-5 with at least 20% more weight. Get some lower volume higher intensity in there and drive some strength adaptation. That’s how I got past your current plateau

Even bodybuilders with hypertrophy goals dabble in 3 to 5 rep ranges. The 3x10 rep range just doesn’t illicit the same response in your muscles and CNS as the lower reps
@oojeanetteoo How much volume are you doing? If you do 3 chest exercises with 3 sets each 3 times a week, that is a lot for your chest, 27 sets. Nobody needs that much for hypertrophy. Maybe try something like 6 sets twice per week and push the intensity. Also maybe vary the rep range, one day bench 3x5-8 and next db bench 3x6-10. Always push the first set as hard as you can, because that set is the most effective one. Maybe consider a delod (like 4 days off completely from the gym) and then start off with less volume and higher intensity. And yes, it is normal for reps to fall as the sets go. Just lower the weight, rest longer or change exercises. Top set - back off set approach might be suitable for you.