My New Diet. Hope to lose 14 lbs, and keep it off. 🤞


New member
Started a new diet today. It's a twist on the 40 day bread and water diet. Except I'm too weak for that.🤭 So instead I'm trying an intermittent fast that consists of 3days, for now 2 consecutive then 1, probably Thursday. My meal for the day is one loaf of a wheat sub sandwich roll, about 10in, basic wheat bread, 1 avocado, and 1cup of a peanut, cashew, dried cranberry mix, plus coffee w sugar free creamer, unlimited water, and flavored water, ( stur, mioenergy, gzeromix; lightly flavored water). Plus glass of red wine, for late evening. This morning I weighed 186 lbs. Goal is staying around 172. I also workout at a gym, 2-3 times a week, w cardio and strength training bout 1.5 - 2 hrs. Wish me luck 🏁🏆
@macpella Some real 60's housewife "steak and crack diet" energy here, please just calorie count vegetables and chicken like a human being.
You're not going to sustain this ridiculous diet for any real length of time so if you want to keel the weight off you're really better just building some actually healthy habits now instead of yoyo dieting down the road.
@macpella This post should be titled how to unhealthily lose weight and not keep it off.

You need to just build healthier eating habits and then get in a calorie deficit and slowly lose the weight. Doing silly "diets" like this won't be sustainable. You need to learn to eat correctly because how you eat to lose weight should be similar to how you eat to maintain weight. If you revert back to old eating habits, you'll revert back to your old weight

Also, you're lacking in protein, so you're gonna be losing muscle mass as well, despite working out.

Please read up on nutrition and healthy weight loss. Start with the r/fitness wiki
@macpella Yes, this is called a crash diet and will almost certainly result in regaining any weight lost, if not more than what is lost.

Look into a sustainable nutrition plan where you are feeding your body enough protein and other nutrients while in a slight calorie deficit. It should be something you can maintain for about 3 months (losing 1-2 lbs a week), then you can adjust it to move to maintenance calories to keep the weight off. Find a way that you can eat for a year (with slight modifications in segments), not for a few days/weeks.

Also, try to switch your mindset away from the “I’m too weak to do the extreme diet.” You are not weak, you are a human being that needs nourishment. Diet is not some wild demonstration of will power, it should be a system of feeding your body what it needs that is integrated into your life in a healthy and sustainable way.
@macpella Is this satire? A rage bait post? This is one of the most ridiculous diets I've seen! Don't try to find some weird diet that has a fancy name that is just a fad and a gimmick. Never cut food groups, and eat low calorie high protein meals 3-4 times a day and exercise. It's really simple.
@macpella Shitty new diet. You don't have to do anything as such. Count your calories and be in a deficit, you will lose weight. Unless your goal is starvation and death, carry on
Appreciate the legit comments and concerns. I see this diet as a twist on intermittent fasting, except that I'm not totally starving. This is challenging but not impossible. I haven't been to the gym these last 2 days,but I will do so tomorrow (day 3). I'll also have regular "moderate" meals. Obviously, if I don't, then the loss will not continue. The fasting meal does have protein through the peanut, cranberry, and cashew mix. I noticed my abdomen tighter this morning and even showed sculpted abs. I also have functioned with less caffeine. I wish I could diet more traditionally, but it hasn't happened. My willpower isn't there. Instead,I've continued to gain. Therefore, I had to do something different. This morning, I was at 183 lbs. Yeah 🎉