My personal trainer pushing me to eat SO much protein!!! How do we agree to disagree!?!?

@deut48 I don't understand your indicator comment.

Some studies have shown that vegans have higher probability of iron deficiency. The concern for iron is justified. I haven't seen a lot of data on Vitamin E and the data I have seen show that vegans consume higher amounts of Vitamin E than non-vegans. Vitamin E intake is related to fat consumption. It can be difficult to get sufficient Vitamin E on some low fat plant based diets.
@daddylopez1963 She could possibly not being open minded but 120-150g is too much for someone her size. Maybe 120g could somehow be fine but 150g is unreasonable, not because it’s not doable but because it’s completely overkill for a girl her size. 80-90g should be more than enough for her at her weight.
@dawn16 I do agree that 150g is overkill, but I don't know what the PT's reasoning for the high protein consumption is. So I can't say whether it's a good idea or not. 150g would likely be about 30% of her calories. For a non-vegan this is pretty standard. Vegans tend to consume less protein. Anything over 30% is what I'd consider to be too much. Within 10-30% is a reasonable target.
@daddylopez1963 That’s true I just looked it up and if she’s eating 2,000 calories then 30% would be right around 150 so I guess you are right, it would not be unreasonable. I think she would still be better off sitting around 85-100g however as she would still be able to gain muscle mass with that amount.

I doubted you but you seem to know what you’re talking about.
@cindyfernandez In my experience, plant based protein is way more effective than meat based.

I spent years following all the recommendations of trainers not really getting past my maximum. I took a year off training and after 6 months went vegan. It was early days so I wasn't even particularly good at working out what I needed to eat. After a year of not training I got back into it and exceeded my previous maximum within a month. I calculated the protein I was taking in and it was about 4.5g/lb (sorry I'm used to metric system)

As people we can only make good decisions based on the information we have available, but the refusal to take on new information can be so damaging. It sounds like your trainer has made up their mind and you are the one paying for it.
@cindyfernandez Just because he doesn’t mean to do any harm, makes it okay. It’s obviously not sitting right with you and to be honest if I had someone spouting shit about animal products to me I would get rid of him within a day. Don’t stoop down to someone else’s level and find someone on your level because this dude is obviously living in the past with meats, protein powders and eggs 🤮