
New member
guys i cant do it anymore
im 5’1 with a tiny frame, i lift heavy with progressive overload, i eat pretty healthy for the most part (im still human and eat out w friends sometimes). i fluctuate around 116-119lbs. i have around 26% body fat (might be the cause but i thought this was a healthy number).

my stomach fat will not disappear. my fitness journey has been going on for SO LONG. I HAVE SO MUCH FAT ON MY STOMACH. i wish i could show u guys i swear my stomach makes up most of my body fat its ridiculous………. i wish so badly i was being dramatic LOOL

i’d like to say that i know it’s perfectly normal for women to store fat there! i am not putting anybody down for it. i’m only putting myself down for it 😭 personally, i feel like in my case its VERY excessive considering im very tiny


edit: in case someone has tips

i work out all body muscle groups: legs, back, chest, arms, whatever. i recently stopped doing cardio bc cardio sucks i hate it

i eat: two meals (lunch and dinner because im not up for breakfast) which is usu chicken and rice. gotta make sure i get my protein in. my tdee is 1900 cals maintenance, 1400 cutting.

i drink: HELLA WATER thats all i drink
@jackdcat To add to what others have said, I have a feeling there’s a good chance you’re also dealing with anterior pelvic tilt which can make your stomach look like it has more fat than it actually does
@rodneys This could definitely be a reason. Does your lower back hurt? I have an anterior pelvic tilt and it makes my stomach bigger than what it actually is.
@jackdcat Hey there, I also carry a lot of belly fat but I am also bloated AF like ALL THE TIME and I didn’t really realize it recently, because it’s been such a constant in my life, I thought it was normal to always feel like my abdomen is tight and stretched and painful to press down on. Do you think this might be going on for you?

Also, I am South Asian and my friends and I used to joke that you could be the most fit or skinny South Asian woman but still have a bit of a belly. Some of it could be genetic.
@dawn16 I’m also South Asian and this is genetic for us. It’s one of the reasons the BMI cutoffs are lower for Asians, especially South Asians!
@jackdcat 26% body fat is a healthy amount for a woman, your weight is fine too.

You haven't posted a picture, but I'm sure your stomach is totally fine. The vast majority of women will have a stomach pooch, I used to be part of a national level sports programme and all of us had some level of pooch.

Go easy on yourself and focus on all the amazing things your body can do.
@jackdcat I would also just like to add something that I wish someone had told me when I was younger. It is TOTALLY NORMAL to be at a healthy weight and have stomach fat. Those pictures you see all over the place of super lean women with flat stomachs? Most of them don’t always look like that. It’s posing, photoshop, diuretics, anabolic steroids, drugs, surgery, etc. Even bikini competitors have bellies off season. They only cut down to that super lean look while competing, because it’s hard to maintain and not very healthy to keep your body fat that low for an extended period of time.
@megusta Yes! I’ve lost the weight I want, have some visible abs (more so when flexing) and I still have some fat on the lower part of my stomach, it’s perfectly normal.
@ramondor THIS!

Girl you’re FINE! I swear if you do show us a picture, we’ll say you have a tiny stomach. Or a ripped stomach.

You are doing everything right. So what your tummy has a little fat? That’s part of being a woman. I have fat too.
@crosswalk1991 Even when I was a kid, I loved the scene in Pulp Fiction where the woman is looking in the mirror and talking about how she thinks potbellies on women are sexy.
@jackdcat If your stomach is actually disproportionately large compared to the rest of your frame, there could be a few common causes:
  1. That’s just where your body likes to store weight. This is determined by genetics, and you can’t really change this. Certain populations, especially South Asians, are prone to this, but this body type can be seen in people of all races and ethnicities.
  2. Food intolerances, medical issues, etc. One of the only signs I had of my mild ulcerative colitis was constant bloating to the point that I thought my stomach just looked like that. I have friends with IBS, gluten allergies, etc who have all said the same thing happened to them.
  3. Hormonal fluctuations—do you notice this getting worse at a certain point in your cycle?
@jackdcat It’s hard to offer tips without any waist measurements but I feel for you. Just know that your body is enough and perfection is not realistic. Like the others have said, check with your doctor about PCOS or any food allergies that can cause bloating. See if the pelvic tilt is another factor.

I’m also 5’1” and fluctuate in the 119-125 range. The pooch for me is excess skin and normal body fat.

Give your body more time and and don’t give up on the fitness journey. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. I’ve seen women who have had flat stomachs but they also became severely underweight and lost their periods. Not to scare you off, but please, please just treat your body and yourself well. Good luck!
@jackdcat Are you on any medications? I’m on Spirolactoline for acne and I didn’t realize until like a year in it causes your lower belly to get larger. You may want to Google side effects for each of your meds just in case it’s the culprit
@dawn16 Oh my god I had no idea. I have hormonal acne so I’ve been on that for 2.5 years.

But you know what, I can live with it. The chin acne hurt so much.