@aprile Oh same!! As soon as I realized it was caused by the hormones from Spiro it took like 5 seconds for me to realize the trade-off is worth it! But yea after researching Spiro, I found it’s also given to trans people that are transitioning to being women. And that part of the job of those hormones is creating lower belly fat as women biologically carry more fat there. But another part is the reduced Hormonal acne which I can’t live with out as I already tried everything else before Spiro :)
@jackdcat mine is too because of something going on with my uterus or ovaries (the doc thinks). i have had irregular periods for three years. she’s doing a saline sonogram soon to check if there’s a fibroid or something.

however, despite this, i’m 5’3 and the belly went away when i got to like 110 pounds but i’m 125 now and it’s back. i was on the cross country team in high school and had my body fat percentage professionally taken. despite being 104 and running 3+ miles a day, i had 25% body fat, which they said was high (probably due to diet). different bodies are different despite being the same height. so you could try losing just a little more fat. it would be heathy too. not trying to say this in an unhealthy way, just pointing out there’s always room for improvement with fitness and health.
@jackdcat I suggest you talk to your gynecologist. I have endometriosis and pcos and kept feeling bloated in my stomach/pantsline area but wasn’t gaining weight or anything.

I went to my gp and a couple of urologists thinking that the bloating and random pains were kidney-related and was frustrated by doctors assuming this was all in my head and/or BDD.

Turns out I had two large ovarian cysts and a gut full of endometriosis! And by large, I mean one was the size of a plum and the other a tennis ball.

I don’t mean to freak you or anyone out, but if you’ve exhausted other options like diet and pelvic tilt and you haven’t been to the gyno in a while, it’s worth a visit.

After surgery, I’m on BC and I didn’t suddenly have washboard abs, but I also am no longer super bloated with random stabs of abdominal pain. :)

Hope it’s not that, and you’re just drinking too much La Croix, but it might be worth it to see!
@jackdcat Holding extra weight in the stomach can be linked to insulin resistance. It’s never too early to keep an eye out for the ‘beetus. I mean, you’re probably fine but I don’t want to invalidate your concern.
@jackdcat I’m also 5’1” and fluctuate in the same weight range. My body fat percentage was measured in February at 28% and was told by the lady who runs the business that this is really good for an adult woman who isn’t an actual athlete. Like, she runs a business to get people in shape and she told me, I don’t think you need to do anything different if you can maintain this.

So our specs are pretty similar, although everyone’s body is different. And I know that these numbers are good for our height. I personally feel that in this weight range I’m not super skinny but also still considered to be thin. I could lose weight if I wanted to be really thin, but that would involve a lot of restriction. This is a good weight range where I can live my life and look good and indulge in the foods I enjoy in moderation. Most likely, it should be a reasonable weight for you too.

If you are really feeling like you carry a lot of weight at your stomach, maybe see a doctor as others are saying. It could be any number of things. But based just on the numbers you’re doing great and bodies are just different. I swear, sometimes I see the posts on here of women who say they’re the same height and like 10-15lbs heavier and I swear they look thinner than me!
@jackdcat Most of us mortals are not blessed with perfectly even fat distribution. At my leanest, you could see the striations in my shoulder muscles, I had visible veins all over my arms, you could count each rib, see the separations in my quads and I had visible abs - and I also had jiggly upper thighs and a squishy cellulite area right under my butt. It’s just where my body holds fat and even though I looked like a skeleton with muscles everywhere else, it was still squishy there. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Very few people are blessed with that perfectly even fat distribution that we see on models - hell, even the models often don’t look like that in real life without posing, tanning, lighting, photoshop and maybe liposuction.

That being said, is it possible that you have a food intolerance which bloats you? I thought I was getting a belly from being menopausal; but it turned out I had some food intolerances that left me looking six months pregnant every time I ate anything.

It’s also possible you have a touch of body dysmorphia. Sometimes we focus on one area of our body so much that we convince ourselves it is hideous when in reality it is a very minor thing that no one else even notices.
@jackdcat I’m 5’ 1” to and have always carried a pooch. From 100-160lbs, it was always there. It’s just my body. I’m a runner, I’ve had 2 pregnancies, a c-section and VBAC, I’ve done pelvic floor physical therapy, abdominal-specific exercises. The pooch is always there. I’ve accepted it, I recommend you accept it too.