Need a little help with a workout routine


New member
Are there any workout routines you know that suit my criteria? I've got a weight-changeable set of dumbells up to 15kg(33lb) each, a jump rope, a pull-up bar, a place to go running, a bike and a kayak if that helps. I want to step up my routine and do 4-5 days a week, an hour each session maximum. My main focus is muscle gain, while preferably losing weight but that is not a large concern.

If it helps I am 18M, 185cm (6'0), 84kg (185lb) at 12% body fat
@misterblackeye 6ft, 185lbs at 12% body fat is pretty damn jacked. I feel like you'd have a lot of gym knowledge at this point to get there.

To build muscle, you need progressive overload. Heavier and heavier weights, more and more reps, more and more sets even. You need to put your body through more torture in some respect to make it adapt.

You can do a lot with calisthenics, as well as with dumbbells.

There is a video from Renaissance periodization on youtube about hitting high hypertrophy with very little weight, I'd recommend starting there. Creating your routine with such light weights would mean form is very important, getting into that deep stretch under load.

I'm only just getting into calisthenics myself, but I'd look on some apps or sites for a bodyweight hypertrophy program there. There are loads of variations of push-ups, pull-ups, dips you can make a good program with.

Calisthenics does often suffer from weaker legs if they don't mix in weight training, too. That would be where RP's youtube might come in handy.
@limetree5 I have a lot of gym knowledge over the years of research but I just haven’t been properly exercising. I’m currently doing 100 jump rope skips, 25x2 push ups, 12x2 pull ups typically once or twice a week, then I do 25km bike ride four to five times a week.

Is there a particular video you’d recommend? Both renaissance periodization and Jeff nippard have been my inspiration to get into working out.

Are there any apps or sites you’d personally recommend?

With legs I’m honestly fine, as I mentioned before I do 25km four to five times on a bike so they’re quite well built, but more will need to be done if I start building my upper body more
@misterblackeye If you're able to 2 sets of 12 pull-ups, that's super solid. 12% body fat doesn't sound so crazy anymore.

There is an app called boostcamp that has free programs on it, 100s of professionally made ones, 1000s of user created ones. They have a specific calisthenics program, but it's like 40 dollars or something. I've heard awesome things about it, but my pride is killing me because I feel like I already give them 20 bucks a month (for premium, you don't need this) and it should be free for subscribers lol.

Rp and nippard are both awesome resources. Making their methods part of your system will help loads.

There is one specific video where Mike (RP) takes a bench presser who can do 400lbs to failing with 185lbs lol. If you search Mike rp 400lb bench presser into YouTube, you'll find it. You don't need to do exactly that, but the methods he uses to bring this guy to failing knee push ups can be used on any list. It'll help you with lighter weights feeling way heavier.