Need advice/help!


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I (22F) am trying to lose fat to get visible definition of my abs, and lose my inner thigh fat. I weigh 45KG so am borderline underweight (according to my BMI, which we all hopefully know isn’t exactly accurate).

However, I also want to gain muscle. I do weight lifting multiple times a week, and throw in Pilates/HIIT as well, so I have a mixture. I workout 6 days a week, and eat healthily 90% of the time.

But I’m stuck. My maintenance is around 1,700 calories, so I’ve been eating 1,450 calories for my deficit; however I haven’t lost anything, so clearly I need to reduce that number. (I also get enough protein - 80-90g per day).

Because I’m borderline underweight, I’m a little hesitant to reduce my calorie intake further. I don’t want health complications. However, I also want to lose the fat I have because I am not happy with my body.

My question is: should I build muscle first (and inevitably gain a little fat), to make myself a more healthy weight so I can go into a safer calorie deficit, or should I lose the fat first before building muscle?

I know usually you’re meant to lose fat first but because of my situation, I’m not sure what to do.

Not sure if anyone is able to help but I’d appreciate some feedback!
@outdoorsy BMI isn't inaccurate. It doesn't always contain enough information, but if it says you are underweight, then you are underweight.
Anyway, gain muscle first. From my experience, it's easier to reveal the abs once the abs are bigger, and it might also be easier to lose fat if you have more muscle
@gnormous My bad, I didn’t mean inaccurate like that. I meant not a great indicator of determining one’s health because it’s solely based on weight and height. But thank you so much for your comment! I really appreciate it!
Because I’m borderline underweight, I’m a little hesitant to reduce my calorie intake further.

You should.

If you persist, you will be making long-lasting damage to your body. That damage might take years to manifest itself, but eventually, it will, with dire consequences on your metabolism and overall health.

Do not starve yourself, especially not when young and underweight. Eat enough and well enough to get at normal weight first.

Your doctor will tell you as much, and will be much more able to assess what is the best course of action for you to take (e.g. talking to a nutritionist, psychologist, or other health professional).
@chirpchirp I have a dietician but she isn’t very good. I really appreciate, and needed, to hear this comment, though. I have a history of disordered eating so the temptation of starving myself is constantly there, so thank you for saying that.
@outdoorsy I have a very similar body type just on the other side of disordered eating. I have been told to try and avoid going under 45 kg even if I'm 4ft 9 just because its hard on your body. Some fat is natural, I think at your stage eating normally and building up the muscles would work in a healthier way as weight loss can reduce muscle tone.
@outdoorsy I recommend looking up subs or general searches for body recomposition goals. My assumption is because you are already trending low, that you need to build some more muscle in those areas in order to get the look you're after (less softness more "tone"??). Recomping is where you would keep your calories at roughly maintenance 1600-1800 (if you believe its about 1700) but focus on your weight lifting performance (aim to increase weight AND/OR the number of repetitions week over week without increasing calories). You would be able to keep doing what you are doing with Pilates and HIIT as you enjoy it. For recomp you would set out to improve by "x" in 6-8 weeks. Every week you would aim to get a little better and by the end of the cycle, by focusing on your performance and keeping calories consistent, you'll likely notice changes if you do a side by side picture. Go for another 6-8 weeks after that with another goal and check again. It takes time for change so I encourage you to celebrate the small wins along the way.
@arbiter Yes, I’ve briefly looked into recomp. This is extremely helpful, thank you so much. My issue is definitely being patient with progress, but I know it takes a long time.
@outdoorsy Maintaining a calorie deficit while trying to put on muscle via weight lifting is backwards thinking. You’ll wind up more toned perhaps, but you won’t be adding size. Increase calories, put on muscle, worry about fat loss once you’ve hit some other goals in a healthy way.
@pastorswife88 I’ve seen lots of people able to build muscle while in a deficit and weightlifting. I think it may just not be working for me as well because I’m already light and slim. But you’re right, I should build muscle first and then worry about fat loss.
@outdoorsy Hey, eat more. I know it sounds scary and maybe counterintuitive to you right now, but you need more calories. You’re working out 6 days a week, that’s a lot! You’re at a plateau because your body isn’t getting enough food. Look into how to count your macros, focus on protein and eat at maintenance at least.
@suemariejudith I’ll definitely start eating more. But you’re right, I find it terrifying at the idea of gaining any fat, which is why I think I’ve stayed eating below maintenance for so long. I’m just worried about any fat I gain from when I start eating in a surplus (if I get there!).
@outdoorsy Your body is converting some fat into muscle. Muscle weighs more and is more compact. You can 'lose weight' and look better by actually gaining weight through larger muscles. You need calories and vitamins. I highly recommend eating more natural foods. Eggs, whole milk, yogurts, fruits in season, nuts. Chicken, beef, rice, beans, vegetables in season. No slim fast, no processed diet foods, etc. Please eat well and build muscle. Also, with all due respect, because females have a Uterus, their lower abs have a natural roundness to them. It's ridiculous to have a standard for 'abs' that is comparable to what someone may see in fit males. Be kind to yourself and eat well. Work hard
@gssm2819 Thank you so much. Yes, I do this with my diet anyway! I don’t eat processed foods, and stick to wholegrains, although I’m vegetarian so rely on soy a lot. I still meet my protein goals though.

It’s not so much the number on the scale that scares me. More so of getting a bigger waist size, bigger thighs, etc, once I go into a surplus to build muscle.

And you’re right, it’s completely unrealistic because women have a uterus. I just see females all over the internet with completely flat stomachs and it makes me so insecure.
@outdoorsy Excellent! I'd also like to add that the female pelvis actually continues to widen until 25-30 years of age and will begin to narrow again once you are in your 40s. Your larger waist and thighs are nature's way of saying you are in your childbearing years. Even if childbearing isn't quite your current situation. It's totally normal. The females online modeling or showing off on social media are probably flexing. Even when fitness models relax their stomachs, there is still that little round Uterus :) Keep a regular habit of exercise, you will be fine!
@gssm2819 I didn’t know that!! Well, you learn something new everyday! And that is true, they do flex all the time. I know this logically but emotionally, it gets me 🤣
@outdoorsy Totally get it. I felt that way, as a male, looking up to all the rich and powerful online. Big cars, homes, models. It's overrated, those people are not who you think they are. I began to relax when I started fixing up my home, my health, my habits and my relationships. When I properly maintained a Subaru instead of failing to afford an Audi. People will admire you for doing just that. Cheers!
@gssm2819 I get it. People never speak about it from a male’s perspective. It’s sad. I’m glad you were able to pull yourself out of that though! That isn’t easy! You should be super proud of yourself.